[HPFGU-Catalogue] Re: update
Barry Arrowsmith
arrowsmithbt at btconnect.com
Tue Mar 1 17:55:55 UTC 2005
REST - 1 post (which doesn't define what REST is an acronym of).
GARBAGESCOW - 11 posts
TOUCHE - 3 posts
1.3.3 (which transmogrified into 1.2.7 half way through) Plot
At start 591; now 426.
Moderately brutal with this lot; "X will die" was not considered
suitable for inclusion. But "X will die because..." or "X will die and
the repercussions will be..." stood a pretty good chance of getting in.
The category has fuzzy edges - it gets so it's indistinguishable from
Foreshadowing and clues, Authorial intent, Classic themes, Predictions
and the two Agenda categories. It's sometimes a matter of judgement
which one suits the post best, especially if the relevant bit is less
than a paragraph. To get included in more than one of these categories
there needed to be some meat on the bone.
Kneasy is saying:
> I thought it was supposed to be fun?
> Unless there's entertainment/wit/mischief hidden beneath some very
> anorak-type headings I fear that some may be taking themselves too
seriously by far.
Potioncat chokes on her coffee. We're spending hours reading,
evaluating, coding, and reviewing posts from years ago about a
children's series that's still being written, taking time off
to discuss rules and regulations to make future posts better….and
Kneasy thinks "they" take "themselves" too seriously?
Case of a kettle calling a cauldron leaky if you ask me.
Nah. I don't consider this lot to be classed as 'taken too seriously'.
It's a chore that'll rectify a deficiency in the Yahoo set-up. Nothing
more than moving the furniture around and occasionally finding some
small change behind the cushions as a bonus.
In context 'taken too seriously' would be categorising the posts so as
to analyse the results to produce some half-assed study stuffed with
ersatz erudition and semi-intellectual buzz words and demonstrating not
very much. Except how anally orientated the analyst is.
So far as I'm concerned *nothing* about HP should be taken seriously -
apart from the release date of the next book, that is.
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