Narrative style/Plot development
carolynwhite2 at
Tue Mar 1 21:14:28 UTC 2005
--- In HPFGU-Catalogue at, Barry Arrowsmith
<arrowsmithbt at b...> wrote:
> Right.
> REST - 1 post (which doesn't define what REST is an acronym of).
> UNNECESSARY - 2 posts
> GARBAGESCOW - 11 posts
> TOUCHE - 3 posts
> 1.3.3 (which transmogrified into 1.2.7 half way through) Plot
> development.
> At start 591; now 426.
> Moderately brutal with this lot; "X will die" was not considered
> suitable for inclusion. But "X will die because..." or "X will die
and the repercussions will be..." stood a pretty good chance of
getting in.
> The category has fuzzy edges - it gets so it's indistinguishable
from Foreshadowing and clues, Authorial intent, Classic themes,
Predictions and the two Agenda categories. It's sometimes a matter of
judgement which one suits the post best, especially if the relevant
bit is less than a paragraph. To get included in more than one of
these categories there needed to be some meat on the bone.
Barry, marginally confused -
Did you include POV narration (formerly 1.4.2 now and Humour
(formerly 1.3.6 now in this latest sort out ? These two are
in 1.2.6 Narrative Style with REST, UNNECESSARY, GARBAGE SCOW &
Also, when you say Plot development, did you mean entire group, 1.2.7
through to Maybe not from the numbers of posts mentioned..
Finally, if you had to define what should go in Plot Development and
what shouldn't, what are the guidelines?
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