[HPFGU-Catalogue] Tonks and SciFi/Fantasy
Sean Dwyer
ewe2 at aardvark.net.au
Fri Mar 11 00:57:17 UTC 2005
On Thu, Mar 10, 2005 at 04:14:02PM -0600, Smythe, Boyd T {FLNA} wrote:
> Tonks is clearly up to something. Consider her introduction: clumsy,
> heavily-accented, appearance-changing, at cross purposes with ol' Mad Eye.
> Too much detail for a character who has done nothing yet in this story. Also
> won over Harry far too quickly.
> Definitely fishy.
Bah Humbug. She's the only female equivalent of Bill Weasley. Gotta be
something good about that. And she figures in HBP apparently. Go Tonks.
> I figure she'll either A) be Harry's older love interest or B) do ESE deeds.
> Since this series is somewhat geared to young adults, I doubt the former
> (although it'd make for a good adult fanfic). Therefore she will obviously
> be the one to trick Harry into a situation in HBP so dire that DD will have
> to sacrifice himself to save the day, after which Harry will be forced to
> turn to Snape for help during book 7. QED
Then again, anyone Harry cares about inevitably dies, so that's just as likely
:( OTOH, I'd rather see Harry fall for Tonks than Luna. That girl's
_weird_. And I want Snape to sacrifice himself, as payment for Sirius. =P
> I was once an avid reader of SciFi/Fantasy, as well, and have no issue
> combining. They are often impossible to effectively distinguish, since one
> man's technology is another man's magic.
Ooh them's almost fighting words! But <sheepish grin> since my local
bookseller can't tell the difference, why should we.
When all you have are foxes, everything looks like a henhouse.
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