The Gilderoy Lockhart Report (*flourish*)

severelysigune severelysigune at
Thu Mar 10 23:20:26 UTC 2005

Ooookay... Here is the report everybody has been waiting for: that on 
Category 2.3.5, Gilderoy Lockhart.
I apologise for posting about such a straightforward task as sorting 
out a Character category, but it's my first, so I need someone's 
blessing <g>.

Ahem. I promised I would be ruthless, and lo:
when I sorted posts that I thought were worth keeping under the 
heading, "Character analysis: Gilderoy Lockhart", I ended up with a 
paltry 27 out of 152, allowing for the fact that there are 15 about 
which I haven't quite made up my mind yet.

Truth is, this category (like most character categories, I suppose) 
contains an awful lot of posts that just mention GL's name and 
nothing more. Among the more than 100 posts I propose to reject are:

-	Etymology of name 
(which I would say doesn't belong under 'characterisation')

-	(Very) idle speculations of all kinds, on SHIPs; on what GL 
might be good at in the WW; on marital status; on what house he might 
have been in
(no canon + generally flimsy)

-	Discussions about Homorphus and Memory Charms
(belong in those respective categories; add nothing about GL)

-	GL popping up in discussions about DD's appointment policy
(I plead guilty to sometimes coding this kind of stuff 
to "Dumbledore's Agenda", which is probably not where it belongs - 
where *does* it belong, in fact?)

-	An absolutely *fascinating* discussion about the possibility 
of Lockhart sending all the Valentine cards himself, prompted by the 
supposition that Ginny couldn't possibly have composed that idiotic 
poem to Harry
-	Likes/dislikes
("I really *can't* stand Lockhart!" "Really? I think he's fun!")

-	Comparisons with other characters (preferably Trelawney), not 
adding anything

-	Passing mention in Chapter Discussion

-	Attraction (Molly & Hermione; Veela-like)
(seems to belong to characterisation of Molly and Hermione, 
respectively; and what is the general feeling about GL speculated to 
be part Veela? There is *so* no canon for that stuff)

-	Mention of GL in general reviews of CoS, (dis)likes
(belongs under 'review')

The fifteen I haven't made my mind up about (out of guilt at 
criticising other people's work) are:
-	GL based on JKR's ex (refuted on the website)
-	Interview recounting – GL based on an acquaintance (fact, 
though no characterisation)
-	Attraction, sexiness (is this character analysis?)
-	Teaching abilities (often comp. Trelawney)
-	Evil or not? (No great revelations)
-	Comparison of GL to Veela / speculation
-	GL as stereotype of a gay man? 
-	Married or not?

Some of these can also be found in my reject column; but 
the 'pending' ones are generally a bit more substantial.

There. Can I put the chop in those 100-sumtinks? <veg>

Yours severely,

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