[HPFGU-Catalogue] Lots of replies...
Sean Dwyer
ewe2 at aardvark.net.au
Sat Mar 12 03:19:06 UTC 2005
On Fri, Mar 11, 2005 at 11:38:03PM -0000, CarolynWhite2 wrote:
> Sean (penguin of doooom with less teeth than last week) said about
> friendship & loyalty:
Mmmm mmmphh ma eeooh mmpph. Sorry, forgot my Junior ESE!Penguin Training
> ...and then gratuitously threatened to turn Ginger into a toad,
> despite all the Bourbon she's been sending him. Tut tut.
what shall we do with the drunken penguin
what shall we do with the drunken penguin
what shall we do with the drunken penguin earl-yy in the morning?
lock him in the brig with the vampire!Snape freak
make him read a cat with a half-giant flavour
tell him Hermy's off to do the deed with Lupin earl-yy in the morning.
hooray up his jacksie, etc.
> And I thought these heart-warming themes are what really interested
> people.
Where's your sense of adventure?
> Sean, you are seeing a lot of posts that looked liked Ginger's, but
> only appear so because she was the last one to deal with them, by
> taking off the shipping code. In reality, the blame can be spread far
> and wide.
I'm trying to PROTECT it, woman. Mind you, I haven't seen the shipping code
substantially diminished...yet.
> Would you define what sort of 'post REALLY REALLY REALLY concerns F &
> L,' ?? It's this squidgy stuff we have to pin down to stop all the
> over-coding happening in future.
One that actually talks about F & L not half-a-dozen other things. Or is
REALLY talking about Trio Dynamics. Not shipping. Or why Ron is still really
going to betray Harry despite getting two out of three eriseds which is
incredibly unfair.
> And I give due and awful warning that I might tackle the morality
> section if no one stops me. It's not going to be pretty, I tell you.
Would you believe that the Hagrid category appears so far to be about Hagrid??
I mean, blow me down and everything.
When all you have are foxes, everything looks like a henhouse.
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