[HPFGU-Catalogue] Lots of replies...

Ginger quigonginger at yahoo.com
Sat Mar 12 03:59:08 UTC 2005


 Mind you, I haven't seen the shipping code
substantially diminished...yet.


Bwa-ha-ha-ha!  Just you wait, (and I hope your teeth feel better in the meantime) young man, for by Sunday that category will be ravished beyond your wildest dreams!

The "trio" part of the shipping category is by far the bulk of it.  I have read through 280 messages, keeping track in my evil notebook of annihilation of those which are obviously rejects and which should be dropped from ship.  I have about 140 reject posts and 40 drop ship posts so far.  These are just the really obvious rejects.  Then I have further sorted the keepers by subject, but they are on probation, and will be subject to a further pruning on Sunday (unless Carolyn gives me an extention).

Whole threads on how polite the shippers from opposite sides should be to each other, tons of mere (dis)agreement, oodles of repeated opinion with no canon or backup of any sort, bulging piles of fanfic, mountains of "my DH and I" and "how we met":  kiss them goodbye, for soon they shall be gone!

Not sure who Jeff Wiggle is, but I'll see your Wiggle, and raise you my 4 CD collecters edition set of the complete works of Barry Manilow (which I won at one of his concerts) in a karoke-off.

And now that I've seen your Wiggle (embarrasing for a spinster like me, but perhaps the other ladies of the list will enjoy it), I'm off to work.  The paying kind, that is.

Ginger, who could really use a 2-day extention.

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