Timeline report

carolynwhite2 carolynwhite2 at aol.com
Mon Mar 21 19:32:31 UTC 2005

--- In HPFGU-Catalogue at yahoogroups.com, "potioncat" 
<willsonkmom at m...> wrote:
Timelines 1.2.9 was 14 now 9
This code is for posts that discuss the chronology of events within
the books. Right now there are three groups under here: House
Cup/Quidditch Cup issues, Shrieking Shack as it happened in PoA (and
would cover three chapters) and time issues only. 
I could leave things as they are, move these posts out but leave the
heading for future coding, or cancel this code. Thoughts?

I would remove the timelines code from the first two that you mention 
here, as they already have adequate other codes elsewhere. I don't 
know why people would look here first to think about timelines 
relating to those events.

What kind of subject is covered by the posts that would be left if 
you did that?

Significant Dates was 29 now 11
This one has a change of definition. Most of the posts were
comparable, but almost none fit the original definition. Now it will
be something like: discussions about the significance of
dates/holidays/days of week within the story. Almost all of these are
about Halloween. One has to do with Hermione's birthday falling
at the autumnal equinox.

Ok, but be sure to amend the definition in the new DB.

Comparing WW to Muggle was 33 now 0
I suggest we delete this heading. Only one post really fit in here,
and I managed to make it fit under another code.

Where did the rest get put? I was interpreting this code as 
difficulties in making JKR's and RL timelines agree. Are these now in 

Timing Controversies was 75 now 94 (review not complete)
This is another one that hadn't followed the original definition.
I'd like to suggest we change the name to Timing Controversies
and Inconsistencies and then change the definition. Now it will be
something like: discussions of inconsistencies concerning time and
dates. It would be everything from "the moon wasn't full on
that date, to the sun would have already set by that time, to
Playstation hadn't been invented then.

As you can see, I've added quite a few posts to this code and I
haven't fully reviewed it yet. I may change my mind on what
really fits here.


Carolyn, do you want to re-assign the posts I had for coding? It will
be a while before I'll get to them.

I'm happy to amend the name as suggested, and will do so now.

As for your post allocation, don't worry. I don't think anyone has 
picked up on the ones they had left over when they started this 
review - I certainly have not.

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