[HPFGU-Catalogue] Re: TBAY: Starting Fresh

Ginger quigonginger at yahoo.com
Wed May 11 11:57:38 UTC 2005

Ginger typed away franticly, er, frantically, er, with great haste.  Her mind was in a blur.  Miss Havisham was not one to be messed with, she was sure of that.  Her psychiatrist, parole officer, pastor, doctor and the lady who works the drive-up window at Taco John's all agreed that this was the perfect setting for Ginger.  Duty.  Responsibility.  Contributing member of society.  Good things all.
But now, as Miss Havisham bore down (verbally) on sweet little Jen, Ginger was getting worried.

'Right you 'orrible little cataloguer..just where do you think you've 
'How do you expect me to manage in here? Just with Ginger, Debbie and 
Potioncat??' Miss asked loudly.

"Oh, lovely," thought Ginger.  "I wondered when I would be dragged into this."

Jen can see the three of them nodding feverishly and continuing to 
hammer away at their keyboards. She licks her lips nervously.

'Well, what with one thing or another ...end of school looming 
ahead..' her words trail away uselessly..

'ONE THING AFTER ANOTHER?' Miss Havisham's voice rises to a dangerous 
ANOTHER'...she grabs Jen firmly by the ear and hauls her into her 

Ginger sang a filk to drown out the celestial musings of Miss Havisham.  But curiosity got the better of her.

Miss Havisham's face twisted into a brief and nasty smile before she 
turned and glared at the remnants of the team, now peering timidly in 
through the door.

She grabbed a bulging file from her desk, labelled 'Pathetic Excuses' 
in some kind of dark red substance. 'Just look at all this rubbish' 
she spluttered: 
'My husband's forgotten who I am..' 
'my children need me..' 
'I used to have a job and a career...' 
'my computer doesn't work properly anymore..' 
'I can't find a pen ...' 
'Fluffy ate my homework..'
'I am awaiting trial for homicide..' 
'I told you, sod off..'

"Hold it just one cotton-picking minute!"  Ginger interjected.  "That's an old one.  I was cleared of all charges!"  Her voice dropped to a murmur.  "Well, not exactly cleared, but you know, temporary insanity does mitigate the circumstances...."  Ginger continued to mutter to herself, oblivious to her surroundings.

'Well, what are we going to do?' said Jen, seeing the need to take 
charge of the situation.

'How about a party..' said Potioncat enthusiastically..
'I could sing some songs..' said Ginger
'Admin would supply free Butterbeer..' said Debbie, recklessly.

'Oh no,' said Miss Havisham softly. 'I have a much better idea. I am 
going to promote you all..give you management positions...put you in 

The smiles on their faces wavered uncertainly. This sounded like work.

Clutching her tattered old clothes around her, she climbed perilously 
onto a desk and waved the bottle of Gordon's at them..

'A new era.. a new dawn in this organisation's history. I'm inverting 
the pyramid and creating a horizontally-integrated empowered learning 
network of knowledge-workers that will work from the ground upwards 
to support our delighted, loyal end-user customers of our fully-
featured new solution platform..'

Miss Havisham tottered and crashed to the floor..

'Sorry', she whispered. 'My last assignment at Jurisfiction took me 
into the Harvard Business Review. I haven't fully recovered yet.

Ginger stared, dumbstruck.  Miss was out cold, thank goodness.  Turning to the others, she saw that dumb was manyfisted.

"Does this mean that we'll have to, well, you know,"  she grimmaced. "Think? I mean, I never signed up to do thinking.  Wasn't in my contract.  I thought that was what Miss was for.  My shrink isn't going to like this one bit.  We better placate her.  Or have her stuffed and mounted...nah, that's what got me in trouble last time.  Better skip that."

Miss Havisham stirred.  

"Oh, Miss" said Ginger, "Now that you're in a better mood than I've seen you in for a while, I was wondering if I could have the weekend off.  Yes, again.  My sisters are coming to clean my house and paper my bath and lay linoleum.  I promise I'll get right over to the coding site and do another hundred posts right now, unless it won't let me on, in which case, I'll do it later.  It likes to do that to me.  Old phone lines.  Bad server stuff.  I promise I'll make it up to you next weekend.  The whole weekend, just for you.  Doesn't that sound nice?"

Miss started to sit up.

"Quick!" gasped Ginger, "More whiskey!"

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