A Snape Plan
carolynwhite2 at aol.com
Sun Jan 8 20:57:07 UTC 2006
What do you all think of the following possible Snape sections and definitions? In suggesting them I have particularly borne in mind the problems that Ginger had with Lupin in sorting out the good/ESE threads, and also the sections that Anne and I came up with for Voldemort and Harry. Do you think we need the following: Snape + Harry Snape + teaching styleSnape as a literary construct/character (this might be for fan response/JKR's ambivalent response to same) Carolyn..wishing it would hurry up and getter lighter in the evenings Severus Snape general character studies>>Not related to plot incidents; reviewing what we know of him as a person, including his childhood>>CIST >>Competence Is Snape's Trademark>>DARTH SNAPE >>Dark Angry Resentful Totally Human Severus Normal Angst is Plenty Enough>>SCARF >>Snape Chases Ambitions, Rejects Family>>SISSY COWARD >>Sadistic Immature Severus Snape, Yellow Coward, Offensive with Absolutely Reproachable Demenour>>SNAP >>Snape is Not A Psycho>>SNOT >>Snape the Nasty Odious Twit>>SPACEMAN >>Snape: Perversely Appealing Character, Endearingly Mysterious and Nasty>>THE SHRIEKING SHACK >>Teacher's Hard Exterior Shrouds Heart-Rendered Interior, Even Kindness If Nobody's Gazing: Snape Has a Cute Kitten>>
Young Snape & MWPP>>
Discussions of Snape at school with James, Sirius, Lupin and Peter including analyses of Shrieking Shack I>>GREY UNDERPANTS >>Ghastly Remembrances Expose Yesteryear Unhappiness, Notable Discomforting Example Reflecting Parental Acrimony, Neglect: Trouserless Severus>>MY BABY LOVES A BUNCH OF AUTHORS>>Miserable Youth! Brought About By Yelling (Lack Of Valentines Suspected), Always Bullied Under Nefarious Castle Headmaster Only Freaky Admirers Understand The Heroics Of Reviled Severus>>SILK SHIRTS >>Snape Is Likeable Kinda. Seriously Has Issues Regarding Time in School>>SIRIUS BLACK >>Snape Is Right Intelligent Unchecked Students Behave Like Anarchists Causing Killings>>
Who is Snape working for?>>
Analyses of motives for Snape working for either Voldemort or Dumbledore or both, including possible changes of allegiance, and analyses of Shrieking Shack II and Graveyard rebirth>>George & G\'s SISTER DIANA >>Giving Evil Overlord's Regime Genuine Effort, Severus' Soul Is Severely Troubled Eventually Rendering Defection Indeed a Necessary Act>>GOLD SIEVE >>Great Overlord Lies Dormant: Snape Is Evil, *Very* Evil>>METAMORPHOSIS >>Mere Evil Troubled Awareness, Motivating Our Racked Principled anti-Hero Onward, Seeking Integrity and Solution>>PRESSURE COOKER >>Presented with Remus' Evil Snape's Somewhat Unhinged, Refuses Explanations, Confronts Outrageously Overt Killers, Embarrassment Results>>lace>Prince Georgelace>>>(not an acronym) an amalgamation of Sweet Georgian and Prince of Lies theories relating to Snape's defection from Voldemort>>Prince of Lies >>(not an acronym) Snape left the DE's when he decided V had lied to him about the organisation and Snape's role in it.>>SCRABBLE MATCH >>Snape (Continually & Regularly) is Always Being Blamed, Loathing Erupts More And Then Catches Harry>>SIAMESE CAT >>Snape Is Assuredly Most Ever So Evil. Coming: Another Twist>>SIN >>Snape Is Nice>>SINAS >>Snape Is Not A Spy>>SINE CURVE >>Snape Is Not Evil Creative Unknowns Regulate Vicious Exterior>>SING >>Snape Is Not Guilty>>SNAPECLIFF >>Swarthy Nursling Abuses Potter jr. Enraged he Caused Lily's Immolation, will Fester Forever>>SUNLIGHT ULTRA >>Snape Undercover Needs Lupin In Getting Harry To Give Life-debt To Restrict Adversary>>SUCCESS >>Snape Unfortunately Concussed Couldn't Ensure Stone's Safety>>SWEET GEORGIAN >>Snape Went Evil Expecting To Gloat Eyes Open Recanted Gradually Incensed at Nauseating Iniquities and Shocking Morals>>SWEET GEORGIANISM >>Snape Went Evil Expecting To Gloat Eyes Open Recanted Gradually Incensed at Nefariousness>>SWEET MARY, JESUS AND JOSEPH! >>Severus Wants Evil Eradicated Totally, but Most Appropriate Result: Young Jerk Stops Undermining Severus' Ambition , Nearly Destroying James' Outstanding Sacrifice to Enable Powerful Harry.>>VAMPISH TRICKSTER >>Voldemort's A Mere Pawn In Snape's Hands. The Really Iniquitous Crime King's Snape The Evil Reprobate!>>
Snape & love >>
All theories about who he may have loved ranging from Lily, through Mrs Norris, Florence, Bellatrix and Narcissa>>ASL! >>Angsted!Snape Lives>>AUTUMN ASTERISK >>An Unauthorised Transfiguration Unites Mrs Norris And Snape, The Eventual Result Is Sassy Kitten>>lace>ELGINlace> MARBLES >>Excitable Love God's Irresponsible Negligence Over Marauder's Affairs Results in Breakups and Love-starved Educators Sorrowing>>KING OF lace>SPAINlace> >>Kin Inconsequential, Neverending Grief Over lace>Florencelace>! Snape Proposes Alternate Information Network>>LOLLIPOPS >>Love Of Lily Left Ire Polluting Our Poor Severus>>MERCY & MERCY II>>(not acronyms) Snape is either devoted to the memory of Lily due to love or because of a life-debt to her>>SECOND FLAMINGO >>Snape Eternally Covets Ogleworth Norris' Damsel Form Like Argus: Mrs `Inaccessible' Norris Generates Obsesssion!>>SHAM BACHELOR >>Snape Has A Missus But Always Conceals Her Existence Lowering Overt Risk>>STUDMUFFIN >>Snape The Ultimate Dreamboat Makes Unaccountable Females Favour Immediate Nuptials>>SWAN SONG >>Snape's Wife: A Nagging Shrew Or Nasty Gorgon>>SWINDLED >>Snape's Wife Is Now Dead Loosing Eternal Devastation>>WINDOW SILLS >>Why I Never Doubted Our Wiley Snape Is Loving Lily Still>>
Vampire/bat animagus!Snape >>
Vampire!Snape>>Allegations that Snape is some kind of animagi or half-human creature>>BELA LUGOSI >>Bat Ever Loyal And Loving, Understands Guidance, Obeys Severus' Instructions>>LOVE SLAVE >>League of Violently Enamoured Snape/Lily And Vampire Enthusiasts>>SALVE >>Snape As Loyal Vampire Envoy>>SIAMESE VIRUS >>Snape Is Already Mysterious Enough, So Extra Vampiricism Is Rendered Unquestionably Superfluous>>SLAPDASH >>Snape's Life As Part-Dementor: A Sorrowful History>>SUAVE >>Snape: Unquestionably a Vampire Evil>>
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