carolynwhite2 carolynwhite2 at
Sun Jan 8 21:17:23 UTC 2006

Sorry about the weird beta-formatting of the last post. Last time I 
try to use it I think.

With 2600 posts, it doesn't seem right or reasonable for one person to
do it. I think dividing it up would work, but we may need some sort of
guidelines so that we aren't bumping into each other. Can you sort it
so that a reviewer has a batch of posts with full reign on all Snape
codes? Or would you divide it up by codes? The former may be a bit
disjointed as to the categories, but the latter has several reviewers
reading the same post.

I think the best way would simply be for each person to take 
consecutive sections of the posts currently filed under the main 
Snape head. Before we started work, I'd ask Paul to dump all 2600 
post numbers into an Excel file for me, and I'd make the groups of 
numbers available to people. I'd have to do it that way because as 
soon as anyone touched any of the posts and deleted the Snape code, 
it would change the consecutive numbering for everyone else. Does 
this make any sense??

I think that if we attack Snape as a group...sort of like at
HPfGU...we should all attack at once. I assume we'd set our current
sections aside to take on Snape, once Carolyn's ready to lead the
charge. Are you going to have the whole office take it on or just a
commando squad?

I think we should do that, and also bring in erm, one or two resting 
members who might just like to rush him when he's down. Lets deal 
with him as a finale...

Kathy W
I planned to celebrate Snape's birthday by being snarky to
everyone...probably not a good idea the first day at work.

Snort! We really have led you hopelessly astray. I feel almost 

Ginger:  I'm game for either, but if Carolyn goes commando, I do NOT 
want to see an update in the photo section.

I saw that remark.

Re Harry:
Carolyn, when I looked yesterday, there was no category under "Harry's
training, protection, powers" for the Occlumency lessons. Is that an
oversight, or did you mean to leave it out?

If you do put it in, my suggested title, "Occlumency," is of course no
good at all, since there will (of course) be a section with that name
under "general properties and types of magic" or whatever it's called
-- better name the Harry section "Harry's Occlumency lessons" or
something like that.

I'll add that now, sorry I missed it out.

Carolyn, did you implement my coding for 3.15.1, 3.15.2, and 3.15.14
(Geographic Locations: Hogwarts, Diagon Alley, and Leaky Cauldron,
repectively)? If not, let me know and I can probably do that next
week. And unless someone else grabbed the rest while I was gone, I'll
resume the rest of the 3.15 subcategories then as well.

Yes I did all that; please feel free to pick up the rest of 3.15...

It seems like every other day I see a post commenting on
the 'disastrous Yahoo search engine' and this will be a million
times better.

I'm getting pumped about the launch now, Anne completing Harry seems
like a good omen <g>.

Tim said he was doing further work on the UI this weekend. Hopefully 
we will get there.

Am I to understand that Doug is not finishing 3.1.1-3.3.6? If that is
the case, then I will take that section. Kathy W- Do you mind
finishing up the Group Dynamics? I had thought we were plum out of
stuff to do, so I glommed on with you.

If that's the case, I'll take that section (it seems he finished 
but the rest is undone).

Alas, Doug is one of the drop outs. Please feel free to pick up any 
of his section - he only did one tiny bit (58 posts) in the end :(

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