Snape Plan (was AOB

Talisman talisman22457 at
Mon Jan 9 21:40:39 UTC 2006

--- In HPFGU-Catalogue at, "carolynwhite2" 
<carolynwhite2 at a...> wrote:

>I think that if we attack Snape as a group...sort of like at
>HPfGU...we should all attack at once. I assume we'd set our current
>sections aside to take on Snape, once Carolyn's ready to lead the
>charge. Are you going to have the whole office take it on or just a
>commando squad?

>I think we should do that, and also bring in erm, one or two resting
>members who might just like to rush him when he's down. Lets deal
>with him as a finale...

Talisman reporting for, um, duty. (I don't mean to be looking at you 
all sideways, but as Carolyn's got me by the ear...)

Ah, yes.  Snape as a finale.  Seems to be Rowlings' plan, too. :)   
Though not so much the rushing part.

Because I was asked (not because I think I have any business coming 
in and shooting off opinions) I'll add my thoughts on the plan.

When I was initially considering the problem, I felt that it would 
be desirable to sort Snape posts as either Pro or Anti, no matter 
which other categories were involved.

Snape is the controversy lightning-rod of the series, and one's 
*camp* tends to color whatever else is being discussed.

Usually I don't like two-box decision trees, but there is the matter 
of expediency, and even posters who are on-the-fence tend to come 
down on one side or the other (e.g. *He may turn out to be working 
for the Order, BUT I can't excuse his behavior, etc. etc.*) 

Pro/Anti is a bit different than Voldie/DD. Some people think Snape 
rocks even if he turns out to be LV's man; others think he stinks 
even if he's going to kill the Dark Lord wth his bare hands.  

I think this slant follows through the other categories.  The 
character assasination, I mean analysis, section will reek of it. 
Assumptions and interpretations of what we know of his early days 
will be slanted toward whichever side the poster is trying to reach.

I don't know how others feel, but I can well imagine wanting to pull 
up posts that examine issues without the Anti-Snape lens.  Others 
may want to research an enormous hate-fest without any apologists to 
bat out of the way.

Or, conversely, we may want to review only the opposing side's 
arguments on an issue, when, armed with new canon, we set out to 
methodically rebut them all.  tee hee. 

In any event, I thought it would be a useful management tool for the 

In the *For Whom is Snape Working* aka *Whose Man?* category, we 
probably want to include the *Out for Himself* crowd.  No different 
category, just a refined definition. 

Also, we know that Snape was both loved and loving.  Maybe the *Who 
He Loved* category could be expanded to handle posts going either 
way.  Or, just call it *Snape and Love.*  Alternatively, there 
should be a category for each possibility (lover/lovee)  By the way--
are we SURE all these feelings are past tense? <g> 

Otherwise I'm assuming that the plan expects Snape-related plot 
incidents to be covered by existing *significant scenes* divisions 
in the list.  

This may not be the case. IIRC, posts are not supposed to be coded 
to the character name, but there are many scenes which have spurred 
particular analysis of Snape's actions in specific incidents. E.g. 
what was *really going on* in the first potions class, Cos dueling 
scene, scene on the stairs in GOF, etc.  

(Sorry, I can't recall the codes by heart and I haven't tried re-
entering the catalogue since Paul changed servers. I'll have to do 
more work to see if I can review it for more specific suggestions.

You may have already established protocols for such situations, like 
coding to the chapter/ book in question (though that may often 
require both the coder and the end-user to figure out for themselves 
which chapters of which books apply, before they can code or 

I have blissfully forgotten the details of how things work. :P  
Though I see now that I may be in for a refresher course.

The bottom line is, you may want to review the extant *significant 
scenes* codes with specific thought to Snape, to see if others are 
necessary.  Obviously, if coders find threads that don't seem to 
have a good home, you can always create new Snape scene-related 
codes along the way.

IIRC, there is an established code for teachers that would cover all 
the Snape-is-a-horible-teacher rants.

I'm sure Anne is all over posts related to Harry's POV/relationship 
with Snape.

Why DD trusts him can probably fit into the Whose Man? category.

Spying is already covered.

Why Snape and Sirius REALLY loathe each other fits into Young Snape.
(Hint, it's not the Prank.)


Finally, overall, I agree with Carolyn's plan to pass out chunks and 
enjoy a mass attack.

Character Analysis
Whose Man?
Young Snape
Snape and Love
Significant Scenes

Seems like a good start, anyway.

Talisman.  Game for a share of 500 posts.
 (Rubs ear to get blood back.)
Heck, for some of you it's just a warm-up!

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