section 2 of the stuff I pasted

quigonginger quigonginger at
Mon May 8 08:11:04 UTC 2006


2.2.7 and 2.2.8 James and Lily Potter
Kathy Snow (2526):
LILY 2.2.8 519 posts initially, now 242 
******************************** FOUL SLAVERY (Females Offer Unlimited Levity: Save Lily And 
Voldemort Eagerly Rewards You!) One post in this category that could 
be blended into ********************************* Too EWW & variants (not really an acronym) Inish Alley does 
not carry a simplified definition of the theory so I'll try to sum it 
up This acronym was somewhat spawned from the Lollipops theory and 
grew to various degrees of EWW. The TEWW EWW starts off with 
Voldemort rewarding Snape by killing James and Harry and placing Lily 
under Imperious. The acronym evolves to the Even EWWWer theory that 
Voldemort wanted Lily for himself for strategic purposes that 
involved Lily bearing his son. But the worst-case scenario was 
Voldemort saving Lily for himself for lustful purposes, which was 
aptly named sooo EWWer its in the SEWERrrrrrr. 22 posts initially now 
15 due to mere mention of the acronym 
*************************************** MAKE ME BARF (Lily was spared for Pettigrew "Monstrous 
Activity: Keeping Evil Men Entertained By Allocating Rescued 
Females") This category only has 2 posts both of which could also be 
melted into or Peter-Gets-The-Girl 
*************************************** AGGIE No posts yet and I couldn't find an acronym meaning at 
Inish Alley *************************************** SOPPY CHARM (Sacrifice of Purity. Perfect? Yes. Contrived? 
Hardly a Reasoned Move) Two posts that basically ponder whether 
Lily's sacrifice was nothing more than pure love but by way of a 
charm. __________________________________________________________ 
JAMES 2.2.7 This category started with 399 posts its now 254 
*********************************** JOBS SUCK, BUT HOW ELSE ("James Once Befriended Snape; 
Snape's Unfortunate Curiousity Killed Buddiness Until Tournament 
because Harry Overcame Wrath. Evil Lupin Simply Erroneous and 
Dumbledore's Overarching Eternal Scheme Ought Not Engineer Losing 
Innocence to Voldemort's Extinction.") One post with this acronym and 
I doubt it will see any more. ************************************ UP JAB (SIC) (Ugly Potter James Awful Bully (Snapes Innocence 
Crucified) No posts yet! *********************************** (SHH) JAM TAKES BIBS (Squib Harry Hated) James Allowed 
Marvolo To Avada Kedavra Evans's Son But It Backfired Severely) No 
posts yet! __________________________________________________________ 
Quite a few of the posts were removed from the categories due to mere 
mention of the character. There were 70 posts that were rejected 
because they added nothing new or were repetitive views of theories 
that had gone out the window. I did keep at least one of the posts 
from each theory whether or not it could still be feasible i.e. 
Voldemort was Lily's father. Some posts, usually short ones, got the 
axe because they were reiterated in the next post and didn't affect 
any other categories. I removed James and Lily from posts that were 
also under Godric's Hollow/Death of James and Lily; as we agreed back 
in July that it was not necessary to have all three ticked when the 
post reflected the night the Potter's died. 

I would still recommend that a new subcategory be formed for Lily and 
her many lovers, including the LOLLIPOPS of her heart, to capture all 
these types of posts in one area. There are only 53 to date but we 
haven't even started OOP, I'm positive there will be many more. Then 
again we could use the Too EWW & variants category to encompass all 
the little devils that supposedly loved Lily. I believe it would be 
an advantage to have them neatly in one folder instead of helter 
skelter under the main heading. 

I would also like to reiterate my initial proposal to move Lily's 
sacrifice under Lily. Its more user friendly I would think, since 
they are posts that concern Lily, a user would expect to find them 
under her main heading. 

2.5.1 Harry
Anne (2503):
On or about June 20, 2005 there were a total of 2,481 posts in all 
Harry Potter categories combined; 2,376 of which were in 2.5.1 Harry 
Potter. As I began reviewing, a number of others were added as the 
coders brought us up to the release of OoP. Today, there are a total 
of 1,398 posts in all Harry categories; a net reduction of 978. 
Today the Harry categories stand thus: 
2.5.1 Harry Potter -- 134 ANOTHER HARRY -- 0 BIC LIGHTER -- 0 HARD SHIPWRECK -- 2 SHARK ATTACK -- 1 Harry's character traits/maturation -- 444 ASTONISHED -- 1 CHIMPANZEE -- 1 PASHMINAS -- 1 Harry's training, protection, powers -- 312 Harry's eyes -- 42 Harry's scar -- 50 Harry's dreams -- 49 Stoned!Harry -- 50 PHILOSOPHER'S STONE -- 2 DRIBBLE -- 0 Harry versus LV & DEs -- 158 BALDERDASH -- 11 HELP & LACERATE -- 1 TIME TURNER -- 0 Time turner!Harry theories -- 6 Harry's parentage/ancestry -- 128 HIS SWORD -- 5 
RECOMMENDATIONS: ----------------- 2.5.1 Harry Potter: We need to get 
these out of here because we can't have posts in third level 
categories. Today, when I looked at what was left in here, I noticed 
they do seem to have somthing in common (but I'm having trouble 
putting it into words). They all seem to look at Harry as a literary 
construct, or from "outside" the story, in contrast to the other 
categories. This also holds true for the acronyms just below ( 
to They examine the character of Harry Potter from the 
point of view of literary archetypes, or his astrological 
chart/Meyers Briggs letters or Enneagram. They examine his behavior 
in terms of whether rule-breaking is good for the kiddies to read, or 
in terms of what's needed for plot construction, or look for 
symbolism in his name, wand or handwriting. They look at him from the 
point of view of the author or a literary critic. 

Er... to sum up, I think we can empty 2.5.1 into a new level 4 
category called "Harry as literary construct/type." What do people 
think, am I making sense? Can anyone think up a better name? Harry's character traits/maturation: I'm worried about the 
fact that there are 444 posts in here and OoP still to be coded. I 
could go through these again and look for repetition (it was hard to 
remember what was in here after a while). I could look for some 
subcategories I could pull out (though I had trouble trying to do 
this before as I seemed to get loads of overlap). I am actually 
planning on giving this a second look anyway, but I wanted to get 
this report out first, unless Carolyn has another assignment for 
me. ;) I also recommend adding a subcategory called "Harry in OoP" to 
catch all the debate about his crankiness in that book. Harry's training, protection, powers: At 312 posts, this 
might also be a little full; however, there is probably much less 
repetition here. Actually, for OoP, Harry's scar and Harry's dreams 
will take up a lot of what's new. I recommend adding a category for 
Occlumency before beginning OoP. Time turner!Harry theories: There are only six posts in 
here. As I recall, Carolyn created this category to quarantine these 
becaue they irked her. Sorry, Miss, but I don't think they really 
deserve a category of their own -- it only draws *more* attention to 
them, anyway. Recommend folding them back into 

**All category numbers above refer to the categories as they now 
stand.** However, they do need to be changed because we can't have 
any posts in 2.5.1 at all. 

Here is what I think they should be changed to: 
2.5.1 Harry Potter *[to be emptied into]* Harry as literary construct/type *[or -- suggestions?]* ANOTHER HARRY BIC LIGHTER HARD SHIPWRECK SHARK ATTACK Harry's character traits/maturation ASTONISHED CHIMPANZEE PASHMINAS Harry in OoP *[possibly more subcategories here?]* Harry's training, protection, powers Harry's eyes Harry's scar Harry's dreams Stoned!Harry PHILOSOPHER'S STONE DRIBBLE Occlumency Harry versus LV & DEs BALDERDASH HELP & LACERATE TIME TURNER *[Time turner!Harry theories folded back into]* Harry's parents/ancestry <--changed "parentage;" it was :P HIS SWORD 

Carolyn (2505):
Anne: Er... to sum up, I think we can empty 2.5.1 into a new level 4 
category called "Harry as literary construct/type." What do people 
think, am I making sense? Can anyone think up a better name? 

C: Anne, that's fine. I've created exactly the same sort of section 
for Voldemort. 

Anne: Time turner!Harry theories: There are only six posts 
in here. As I recall, Carolyn created this category to quarantine 
these becaue they irked her. Sorry, Miss, but I don't think they 
really deserve a category of their own -- it only draws *more* 
attention to them, anyway. Recommend folding them back into 

C: Okey doke. Again, have a TTT section for Voldemort for the same 
reason! Probably the same posts.. 

Anne: So, Carolyn -- shall I do some more work on Harry's character 
traits/maturation before you change any category numbers, or shall I 
do something else? 

C: Will implement all your new category numbers and suggestions when 
I have a moment this week - going back to work tomorrow alas :( 
Suggest you wait until I have done that before doing any final 
shifting/fine-tuning of categories if you can bear to look at them 
all again. 

2.10.4 Barty Crouch Jr.
Debbie (2545):
Crouch Jr. Report (2.10.4). So here it is: 
Was: 589 Now: 333 Plus two acronyms (FORLORN BARTEMIUS and 
BABEMEISTER), unchanged at 1 and 2 posts, respectively It's fair to 
say that we don't need any more posts on why Crouch taught Harry to 
resist the Imperius Curse. I did my best to cull down the others, 
too, but there was a surprising variety of angles to examine Crouch 
from, and Elkins used them all. 

2.14 (and subcats) Beings
Debbie (2545):
Goblins (2.14.3): I peeked into the Beings category I signed up for 
(all 997 of them) and took a preliminary look at the Goblins. Since 
there were only 37 posts, I also peeked at 3.2.4 (Money and Banking; 
Gringotts; taxes) and I suspect there's quite a bit of overlap. I 
can't recall if that category has been done yet (I think not) but I 
propose to move the posts relating to "why did the WW put the Goblins 
in charge of the money?" posts over to 3.2.4 unless they also touch 
on some questions relating to Goblins' abilities, natures, etc. Sound 
good? And I'd be willing to offer to do 3.2.4 as well, if it's not 
done, for consistency. (There's also the subsidiary benefit of being 
able to read the posts on taxes. <g>) 

Trolls (2.14.8): Ahem! According to Fantastic Beasts and Where to 
Find Them, in 1811 Grogan Stump, the newly appointed MoM, decreed 
that to be a "being" sufficient intelligence was needed to understand 
the laws of the magical community. "Troll representatives were 
questioned in the absence of goblins and judged not to understand 
anything that was being said to them; they were therefore classified 
as "beasts" despite their two-legged gait." I therefore petition to 
remove 2.14.8 to the "beasts" category. However, to relieve any added 
burden on the Beasts reviewer, I reviewed this category first (all 3 
posts!) and reduced them to 1 post. 

Can you tell I'm putting off attacking the house elves (750 of the 
997 beings posts) as long as possible? 

Ginger (2546):  replying about Goblins:
Funnily enough, I reviewed that category just this last week. I had 
just finished the 3.2.1 category and figured since they were related 
I'd just go on to that since I have that section. 
I remember cutting several posts that were also coded to goblins. 
3.2.4 was 228 and is now 137. I consider myself done with it. If you 
want to check it out and add things that aren't in there, go ahead. 
Everything I cut about Gringotts was cut due to repetition, so 
anything you don't see there and want to add is "something new".

Dot (2547):
Ginger – I've gone through all those posts, and the ones that had 
your name on as reviewer I assumed must have been banished to that 
colloportused box at the bottom of the lake – you know, the one with 
all the chains and padlocks, with the 24/7 mermaid guard... So I 
didn't touch them. (You did the purebloods/halfbloods bit as well, 
didn't you? Anything reviewed by you I didn't touch, which, you're 
right, turned out to be all of them.) In the end, I decided that 
the "Can squibs/muggles make potions" posts would be best off left 
cross-coded to squibs and potions. (But definitely not in magical 
ability). Anyone complaining? Good. I'm not quite sure about the "can 
Muggles use magical items" stuff though. We don't actually have a 
code for Muggles, do we? Though we do have one for magical items. I 
might just leave them in there. 

Debbie (2549):
I made a rash proposal to move posts from Goblins (2.14.3) to 3.2.4 
(Money and Banking; Gringotts; > taxes) to which Ginger replied : 

> Funnily enough, I reviewed that category just this last week. I had 
just finished the 3.2.1 category and figured since they were related 
I'd just go on to that since I have that section. > > I remember 
cutting several posts that were also coded to goblins. 3.2.4 was 228 
and is now 137. I consider myself done with it. If you want to check 
it out and add things that aren't in there, go ahead. Everything I 
cut about Gringotts was cut due to repetition, so anything you don't 
see there and want to add is "something new". 

Debbie: I went back to the Goblins, cut them down from 37 to 23, and 
decided not to move anything to Money and Banking. Much simpler that 

Ginger (2623) responding to Debbie:
1. The functions of various government agencies (Werewolf Registry, 
Werewolf Support Services) and whether they help or repress 
werewolves). Some of these posts are cross-coded to a government 
subcategory, but I'm inclined to leave them here.

2. What is the meaning of "full moon", when does it occur, and when 
when werewolves transform, how long they remain werewolves? Some of 
these posts are in Lycanthropy, some not. Many (but not all) of 
these posts are discussions of Lupin's transformation in POA ch. 20 
and whether it is a flint. I'm inclined to say these posts should 
be under Lycanthropy.

I did lycanthropy. You are right. There are a lot of posts there 
about full moon times. I think *when* a werewolf transforms (from or 
to) is a vital aspect of the illness, and does indeed belong there. 
Whether or not it belongs in Werewolves is, of course, your call. 
Should you wish to trim it, I don't think you'll remove a lot from 
the catalogue as a whole, just from your category. 
I also did MOM departments, and there were a few mentions of the 
werewolf divisions. As I recall, it was a sparse category to begin 
with. On those posts, I'd recommend saving anything original that 
isn't coded somewhere else as I don't recall seeing very much in the 
govt cats.

Debbie (2644):
Final report on 2.14 - Beings. 

Once 997 posts (I don't have totals by subcategory), the current 
totals are now as follows: 2.14.1 House Elves - 196 ENSLAVEMENT - 2 SUPPRESSED - 1 Dobby - 97 Winky - 42 Kreacher - 0, but that won't last 
2.14.2 Centaurs - 23 Firenze - 5 
2.14.3 Goblins - 23 
2.14.4 Giants - 17 Fridwulfa - 3 
2.14.5 Vampires - 61 
2.14.6 Werewolves - 65 
2.14.7 Veela - 35 
2.14.8 Trolls - 1 

Total: 571 (was 997) Every category went down significantly except 
for poor Fridwulfa, who started out at zero and ended up with three 
posts (I felt sorry for her, I guess). Except for the characters 
(Dobby, Winky, Fridwulfa), I generally kept only posts that discussed 
the particular category as a group (e.g., folkloric origins and how 
JKR has adapted the legends to her own use, how the group acquired 
its place in the WW, their unique characteristics, etc.) The 
character categories include only posts about that individual as a 
character; posts that use a characteristic of the character to 
generalise about the group were coded only to the group. 

Werewolves: I kicked out all the "when a werewolf transforms" out; I 
moved a few (less than 5) to Lycanthropy and I hope Ginger will 
forgive me (to ensure I wasn't just undoing her work, I didn't move 
any that identified Ginger as coder). I also kicked out the Homorphus 
Charm and Wolfsbane posts (as a rule, anyway). OTOH, I left all the 
silver hand posts alone. Dock me 5 points for lack of consistency, 
but one could at least argue that how to kill a werewolf is not a 
symptom of lycanthropy. (I'm a lawyer; I can argue anything! ;-)) 
I'll revise the category description to cross- reference the other 
categories, especially Lycanthropy. 

Vampires: Not surprisingly, this was mostly about our favorite 
Potions Master. Because I've already created the Snape assignment 
list, I didn't make any changes to that category, even when a post 
was clearly appropriate to Vampire!Snape (or not about Snape at all).

2.16 Spirits
Ginger: (2626):
Spirits is now done. There are now 433 posts, with Dementors being 
the biggest category at 152. 
Kiss posts remain under dementors. Talking about the legality of the 
kiss is still under Azkaban and Dementors, where I think it should 
be, and there is a lot of crossover, with posts discussing both, but 
that's ok. They fit. 

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