section 3 of the stuff I pasted
quigonginger at
Mon May 8 08:12:09 UTC 2006
3.2.2 Relationship with the Muggle World
Ginger (2583):
"relationship with the Muggle World". It started as 554 posts, and
now has been hacked to.... only 335. Really. That's all I could hack
out of it. It is such a wide category that there was little
repetition (oh, a few threads about how Muggleborns find Diagon Alley
and why Muggles let the kids attend Hogwarts), but a lot of posts
that really didn't belong there.
My suggestion: I propose we rename the category "Garbage Scow for
every blessed post ever written in which the word 'Muggle' appears".
OK, I'm kidding. It would be nice in the future if we drew a
distinction, though. For example: if a post talks about how a young
wizard would go about getting a Muggle drivers' license, then it
belongs there; if it only mentions that the age for Apparation is the
same as the age at which British Muggles get their licenses, then it
does not.
Now on to the serious suggestion. In tackling this massive category,
I divided the posts into 4 categories:
Family (includes Muggle-born students and mixed marriages),
Culture (indludes technology, dress, language, education...),
History/Politics (includes government, but not the Political
Comparisons, which is already a sub-category), and
Other is a really wide category. I propose that we make these sub-
categories, in addition to the PC category (which I now have to re-
review as there were many posts that I put there whilst weeding the
main category). If we did that, Other would just be the main heading.
The posts would stand as follows:
Main: 49
Family: 63
Culture: 121
History/Politics: 107
Political Comparisons: about 50 at this time, but still to be re-
reviewed. Should only change by a few.
Ginger (2602) :
Yes, I want both H/P and PC. They are a bit similar, but there is
enough difference and enough posts to merit both sections.
Basicly, H/P is about the relationship with the MW in the fictional
setting, and PC is about how it compares to actual RL stuff.
H/P covers things like comparing the Apparation age to that of
driving age, how a Wizard would go about getting a license to drive a
Muggle car, the ethics of obliviation...things like that.
The PC category is mostly comparisons of the WW situation to Hitler,
Northern Ireland...things like that.
3.2.5 Medals/Awards/Titles (reference to Witches, Warlocks
Ginger (2546):
I reviewed 3.2.5 (titles, awards, whatever) and noticed that a lot of
the posts looked familiar. Then I realized that DD has a lot of
titles and that Warlock, Mugwump and Wizard are among them. Having
reviewed the category of "differences between warlocks, wizards,
etc." (now 12, was 137 million), I found that a lot of those posts
actually do fit in both categories. I culled greatly in 3.2.5, and
just kept those that talked about how these apply to DD and his
titles, plus a couple of interesting (?) posts giving definitions.
I propose we henceforth make ourselves aware of the existance of both
categories and resolve to choose one or the other when coding. Save
the ones about DD for 3.2.5, and those that are just definitions for
the other. Groovy?
3.3.6 Rules and Ethics
Ginger (2588):
I finished 3.1 through 3.3. Just one note: I added a definition under
3.3.6 (rules and ethics for using magic).
There seemed to be some confusion as to what it means when a
person "can" do something. I added in the definition to check 3.8.0
(JKR's rules). Asking if someone if physically capable of using magic
to do something in JKR's world goes under 3.8.0. Asking if it is
permissable is under 3.3.6. Sometimes they do overlap.
Oh, yes... under 3.3.5 (underage magic) we have quite enough posts
along the lines of "Why did Harry get in trouble for the pudding when
________ didn't get in trouble for __________?", at least as it
involved book 1-4 canon. I'm sure there will be a lot said about the
Dementors in book 5.
I did some shifting around in the govt. section, but I think some of
those categories may have been added later as it was mostly in early
posts. Also (did I say "just one note?") please watch in the 3.3.1
through 3.3.4 sections. They do overlap quite a bit, so please try to
code to that which applies "best" rather than all or several.
3.8.1 Magical Ability
Dot (2536):
But I did finish going through Magical Ability. Now, the content of
this category bears almost no relation to the definition. I've made
some changes, but not all of them, because I want some advice on
whether we need new categories, and whether some posts can be chucked
into already-existing categories.
This is how it currently stands: Of 367 posts...
138 shouldn't have been in this category for one reason or another
(mostly because they should be in WW genetics or barely mentioned
magical ability at all, e.g. the Philip Nel question on class), and
have been (or rather, are being) uncoded.
8 of these were assigned to no other category and will therefore
rejected as `adds nothing new' (I checked they really did add nothing
Leaving 229, of which:
106 refer to the magical ability of specific characters
Harry: 33 all of which will be uncoded since they're already under
Harry's protection/ training/ powers. (Those that aren't coded there
I'll just uncode, since I assume Anne doesn't want me chucking posts
back in that she's chucked out).
Dumbledore: 5 to be uncoded since they're already under DD's
The DE's (Peter Pettigrew, Barty Crouch Jnr et al): 10
Hagrid: 5
Ron: 4
Neville: 15
Fleur: 1
Sirius: 3
Lockhart: 1
Lupin: 1
Snape: 1
Fudge: 1
Draco: 6
The Weasley family: 2
Voldemort/Tom Riddle: 15
Multiple characters: 3
I reckon all discussions of a character's magical ability should stay
with the character, (DD and Harry already have their own codes for
that), and indeed dimly remember Miss saying something along those
lines when I started the review an embarrassingly long time ago. And
the same would go for house elves and centaurs. Since the multiple
character comparisons of magical ability can't (or shouldn't) be
coded to all characters, I'll leave them in here for now, unless
anyone has a better suggestion.)
Continuing: -
8 refer to the identity of the muggle/squib who will exhibit magical
ability late in life (do we need a code for this? There aren't many
posts yet, but it's a recurring topic.) -
9 on how important Magical power is in casting/resisting
unforgivables (should I put them under unforgivables?) -
11 refer to house elves' magical ability (I'd keep them with house
elves) -
1 refers to Centaurs' magical ability (to stay with centaurs) -
9 on the powers Voldy transferred to Harry at GH (is there a
convenient code for this? I can't find one that isn't very general.) -
32 on whether muggles/squibs can make potions, what are the
differences between wizards and muggles, can muggles use magical
objects (broomsticks etc).
The 32 posts on whether muggles/squibs can make potions, can muggles
use magical objects (broomsticks etc), and what are the differences
(genotype/phenotype) between wizards and muggles: I'd like to put
them (some may already be coded there) into WW lifespans, genetics
and population estimates. I don't think anyone's reviewed it yet is
that right? There really are an awful lot of posts resulting from
JKR's foolish comment about the magical gene being dominant, since it
gives the impression that she might know what she's talking about, so
the lucky reviewer may decide to split the category further. Yes/no?
14 posts I've filed under `Misc', since they don't seem to fit in
this category, but it's not immediately obvious where they should be.
I need to spend a bit longer musing over the much-changed category
list, I think.
The remaining 53 posts, are actually about "what magical ability is,
how it manifests itself, and how wizards use it to make things
happen," which is the definition in the catalogue.
Ginger (2541)- replying to Dot (2536):
Correct as usual, Your Leaderness. I have finished it and believe me,
any (and I mean ANY) posts that are not in that category right now
have been banished by a strong charm. That category was a fright.
(Was 206, now 134.) Many posts were over my head, so I kept those
that didn't repeat what someone else had said. <shudder>
Dot (2551):
I decided to rev up the chainsaw in the end, so I won't bother you
all by asking questions. Magical ability was three-hundred-and-far-
too-many, and is now 64. It will go down to 58 when I get my late
bloomer code. 27 posts were rejected altogether, (pats self on back).
New definition: "Not for relative ability of characters (leave under
character codes), strictly: what magical ability is, how it manifests
itself, how wizards use it to make things happen" Memory Charms
Debbie (2572) responding to Kelly:
> I'm about to start reviewing Memory Charms, and I wanted to
do > a little planning in advance. Do you think MemoryCharmed!Neville
> should be a category to itself, under 2.5.4 Neville Longbottom, or
> should I keep those in this category? A quick scan shows that 99%
of > the posts here discuss Neville.
My vote is to keep all speculation about whether Neville was Memory
Charmed under 2.5.4. It would be nice to have a subcategory, but we
could probably live without one for now.
> Also, Debbie, did you toss out a lot of Neville-related posts as
Adds > Nothing New? Plenty of the posts here don't have the Neville
code, > and I'm hoping that's because you kicked them out, and I can
do the > same. :)
At 345 posts, 2.5.4 is already chock full of Memory Charms of every
description. I say toss them out of unless they talk about
the operation or effects of the charm itself.
Kelly (2597):
I finally finished reviewing Memory Charms. I made the
decision, with the input of the group, that all the posts under 3.8.4
Spells, potions & incantations will be ones focusing on the magical
process itself, not the resulting characterizations and plotlines
associated with them.
In this particular case, that means that MemoryCharmed!Neville and
all its variants shall remain under Neville, Longbottom torture, a
few dozen acronyms, and whatever other character codes are deemed
necessary, but for my purposes they went in the trash. Must admit,
though, it was slightly traumatic for me to place the Still Life with
Memory Charm and Memory Charm Symposium posts in my discard pile. :-)
That conversation was one of the first ones I ever read on this list
(and one of the resons why it took me so long to finish this review;
it's so easy to be distracted by an Elkins thesis). Memory Charms --------------------- Originally: 169 Now: 38
Mechanism, process, regulations, morality, etc. of memory charms.
Only put character-specific posts (e.g. Neville, Harry, Bertha
Jorkins) here if the discussion is centering on the specific
mechanism of the memory charm. So, for example, a discussion of
whether Neville has been memory charmed (or any variant thereof) and
why and by who does not belong here, but a discussion of whether a
memory charm could produce the specific symptoms that Neville shows
can. Wolfsbane
Kelly (2625): Wolfsbane Potion
Originally: 59
Now: 44
Discussion of the potion... what's in it, how it works, required
dosage, inventor, side effects, etc. Removed a few passing reference
posts and a few that were discussing events (specifcially, Shrieking
Shack II) with mention of the potion only as a plot device.
Regarding overlap with lycanthropy and werewolves, I think this
category was already pretty well distinguished from those two. There
were a few posts cross-coded both here and in Lyncanthropy which
discussed possible reasons why Lupin's tranformation seemed delayed on
the SSII night, e.g. whether it was a side effect of regular Wolfsbane
use, or whether that was normal behavior for a werewolf. I think
these can comfortably stay in both categories, so I left them alone. Vertiaserum
Kelly (2646): Veritaserum ------------------------ Originally: 84 Now: 46
All you ever wanted to know about veritaserum... How does it work?
Does it uncover absolute truth or only truth as someone remembers it?
When is it ethical or legal to use it? Can it overcome Memory Charms?
How reliable is it? There were tons of "Why didn't ____ use
Veritaserum on ____ to corroborate/disprove his/her
story/alibi/excuse?" I kept the good responses to these questions,
but please leave the questions out. Discussions concentrating of the
wizard court system without discussing any specifics of veritaserum
should stay out of this category as well. Also, the lie
detector/sodium penthanol it's-not-100%-accurate-so-not-admissible-in-
court analogy has been used to death, so no more of those.
3.15 Geography
Kelly (2559):
Quiet around here, isn't it? Let's liven things up with a little
magical geography. This should complete the 3.15 categories.
The description for the main Geography/Location of WW Places category
states that these codes are reserved for discussion of where these
places may be located and should not be used for discussion of
incidents that took place there. I allowed a little leeway in this
respect when I could think of nowhere else to move the discussion.
For example, discussion of who owns the Riddle House is still in the
Riddle House subcategory. However, discussion of the protection on
the Dursleys' house definitely does not belong in the Privet Drive
category, since there are other codes devoted to that discussion.
Also, Carolyn, when I reviewed 3.15.14 The Leaky Cauldron an eon or
so ago, I asked that it be combined with 3.15.2 Diagon Alley, since
the former is a tiny category that often overlaps the latter. Is that
still possible, or was there specific disagreement?
Below, I've listed the main discussions found in each category.
However, the definition for each is just "Where is ___ located, with
respect to real geography and with respect to other Potterverse
locations? What are it's physical attributes?" Okay, on to the
3.15.3 The Burrow ----------------- Originally: 44 Now: 38 Where in
the UK is Ottery St.Catchpole? Where is the Burrow in relation to the
town? What does the house look like (to either witches/wizards or
3.15.4 Godrics Hollow --------------------- Originally: 67 Now: 45
Where is it? Is it a house or town or whatever? (now known, but it's
a relatively small category, so I kept these). What happenned to the
house/land post-Voldy? What is the muggle to wizard ratio there? NOT
for other Godric-related discussion (etymology, ancestry, etc) or
confrontation night discussion. Definitely don't need any more one-
or two-liners suggesting it's in Wales based on Hagrid's fell-asleep-
over-Surrey quote in PS/SS. 49473 Magic space/geography in general
3.15.5 Little Whinging/Privet Drive ----------------------------------
- Originally: 37 Now: 14 Where is Little Whinging? NOT for discussion
of the protections on the Dursleys' house (use 3.5.4 Blood protection
at Privet Drive/Lily's sacrifice)
3.15.6 Riddle House ----------------------------------- Originally:
20 Now: 19 With one exception, all the posts here were speculation on
the current owner of the Riddle House. Not really a geography
discussion, but as I could think of no better place to move these
posts, I left them here.
3.15.7 Malfoy Manor ----------------------------------- Originally: 8
Now: 6 Right now, just a discussion of what qualifies as a manor.
3.15.8 Azkaban ----------------------------------- Originally: 9 Now:
7 Where is Azkaban?
3.15.9 MoM ----------------------------------- Originally: 18 Now: 3
Where are the Ministry of Magic offices located? NOT for other MoM-
related discussions, e.g. who works/worked there, government
structure, DE connections, etc.
3.15.10 Hogmeade ----------------------------------- Originally: 30
Now: 23 Where is Hogsmeade in relation to Hogwarts? How is it
protected from Muggles? What does it mean to be "all-wizard"?
3.15.11 Durmstrang ----------------------------------- Originally: 74
Now: 50 Where is Durmstrang located? I think every Eastern European
and northern Asian country is hypthesized at least once, many
accompanied by well-researched geographic and linguistic arguments,
so don't add any more guesses unless really original and well-
written. I weeded out some repetition, as well as the glaring
geographical errors (a surprising number of people place Albania and
Bulgaria near the Arctic circle, or at least in northern Europe). On
a side note, I trashed post number 20401 on the grounds that any post
that includes the entire text of a Daily Digest in it doesn't deserve
consideration, even if it contains a brilliantly researched, life-
changing dissertation. :) (it didn't).
3.15.13 Forbidden Forest -----------------------------------
Originally: 18 Now: 9 Where is the Forest in relation to the Hogwarts
grounds? How large is it? Discussion of the forest as an entity (e.g.
how dangerous is it?). There were a lot of "do werewolves really live
there?" discussions; I kept those that discussed the nature of the
forest, but removed those that strayed too far into discussion of
werewolves themselves.
3.15.13 Beauxbatons ----------------------------------- Originally:
14 Now: 10 Where in France is Beauxbatons located?
Carolyn (2563):
Also, Carolyn, when I reviewed 3.15.14 The Leaky Cauldron an eon or so
ago, I asked that it be combined with 3.15.2 Diagon Alley, since the
former is a tiny category that often overlaps the latter. Is that
still possible, or was there specific disagreement?
Sorry to have overlooked this, no problem and now done.
3.15.6 Riddle House
Originally: 20
Now: 19
With one exception, all the posts here were speculation on the current
owner of the Riddle House. Not really a geography discussion, but as
I could think of no better place to move these posts, I left them
I think this is the right decision. There really isn't anywhere else
for them.
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