The woman in white

carolynwhite2 carolynwhite2 at
Tue Sep 12 12:17:20 UTC 2006

--- In HPFGU-Catalogue at, ewe2 <ewetoo at ...> wrote:
> Jen:
> *Pauses to wonder if the daring penguin solved the tech problems or
> if the silence from Miss is a Very Bad Sign*.
> I fear the same, Jen. I hope she turns up in time for the *next*
> Fforde book, I've already read the Fourth Bear, and it's back to the
> tales of Miss H next year *sigh*. If she took me literally and ditched
> AOL, she may be in the throes of setting up with a new ISP.

Ms H reappears suddenly, but after one look at her face, they fear the 

I've been comprehensively shafted by AOL and currently have no redress 
whatsoever. Three or four years email correspondence is locked away in 
a file no one can get at, and no one can solve the mystery of why I can 
get into one Yah site (TOC), but not this one (where I'm the frigging 
moderator for chrissakes, or even the main site).

What's more I'm locked into an annual AOL contract that I can't get out 
of until early December, and anyway I can't walk away whilst my emails 
are locked in an unopenable AOL filing cabinet.

Sean, sorry for not replying - firstly I actually couldn't get in at 
all, then bluddy work intervened, then I have had some time off and 
have spent most of it on helplines, solving nothing.

It is like losing part of your life, a sort of virtual amnesia; I am 
totally upset and disorientated. The most suspicious thing is that this 
has only happened on one screen name. My filing cabinets on all the 
other screenames are fine, and all my address books are fine even on 
the screename where I have lost the emails. They can't even restore my 
old favourites list which sits on their ****** SERVER.

But it looks like you are all getting on with stuff - brilliant, well 
done. If I get anywhere this week, which is my first week off since 
January, I will try and set up the Voldemort categories. I must also 
email Tim, who has gone very quiet again, but then don't we all.

BTW, to post this, what I did was go into TOC, set all posts 
to 'Expand', rather than just the headings, then came back to the 
catalogue so I could read everything. For reasons totally beyond me it 
will now let me do that, and reply to them when it wouldn't yesterday.

Have many other causes of grief right now, but will not ennumerate them.

off to write yet another stinking email to AOL

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