[HPFGU-Catalogue] Re: The woman in white

ewe2 ewetoo at gmail.com
Tue Sep 12 15:04:52 UTC 2006

On 9/12/06, carolynwhite2 <carolynwhite2 at aol.com> wrote:
> Ms H reappears suddenly, but after one look at her face, they fear the
> worst.
> I've been comprehensively shafted by AOL and currently have no redress
> whatsoever. Three or four years email correspondence is locked away in
> a file no one can get at, and no one can solve the mystery of why I can
> get into one Yah site (TOC), but not this one (where I'm the frigging
> moderator for chrissakes, or even the main site).
> What's more I'm locked into an annual AOL contract that I can't get out
> of until early December, and anyway I can't walk away whilst my emails
> are locked in an unopenable AOL filing cabinet.
> Sean, sorry for not replying - firstly I actually couldn't get in at
> all, then bluddy work intervened, then I have had some time off and
> have spent most of it on helplines, solving nothing.

I already feel guilty enough for not trying to contact you sooner. I
would dearly love to have one of these "unlockable cabinets" for I
would wail upon it with all my penguin hax0r rage and if that didn't
suffice I know other animal hax0rs who enjoy that sort of thing. This
sort of thing is intolerable to me, and I'm infuriated on your behalf.

> BTW, to post this, what I did was go into TOC, set all posts
> to 'Expand', rather than just the headings, then came back to the
> catalogue so I could read everything. For reasons totally beyond me it
> will now let me do that, and reply to them when it wouldn't yesterday.

The software moves in mysterious ways, its inexplicable wonders to
sorta perform.

> Have many other causes of grief right now, but will not ennumerate them.
> C..
> off to write yet another stinking email to AOL

You go girl! Oh BTW, I might be up your way within the month, let you
know if I have anything more  specific.

ewe2, itching to smack AOL upside the head.

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