Welcome to HPFGU-Feedback

Blair SnapesSlytherin at talia_dawn_3.yahoo.invalid
Fri Nov 21 20:42:35 UTC 2003

--- In HPFGU-Feedback at yahoogroups.com, "Hebby Elf" 
<hebrideanblack at e...> wrote:
> If you could change one thing about HPfGU, what would it be?
I agree with Joywitch: figure out if it's HPfGU, HPFGU, or HP4GU (My 
personal vote being HP4GU because it breaks up all the letters!  
X-Original-Yahoo-Groups-Redacted-From: "Blair" <SnapesSlytherin at ...>
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> Should there be some formal recognition of good/long-time posters?
Perhaps there could be a list made that says who started what 
theory.  I often cannot remember who began MAGIC DISHWASHER or any 
of the others, and Yahoo!Mort doesn't let me search very often.  (Of 
course, I remember SILK SHIRTS because it's mine!  *grin*)

> If past experience is any guide, we'll be getting a surge of new 
> posters next June when the PoA movie premieres. How should we deal 
> with it? 
There's really no way to deal with it.  There's utter chaos when new 
things come out.  I was lucky, when I joined the list it wasn't 
during a new book/movie.
I do not agree with the idea of taking people off-list if they 
lurk.  Sometimes I get frustrated and stop reading posts for a while 
(like the Good!Slytherin thread...oy...), but that doesn't mean that 
I want to be taken off!  I'm not sure how to do this though...


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