Welcome to HPFGU-Feedback
delwynmarch at delwynmarch.yahoo.invalid
Mon Nov 24 12:17:57 UTC 2003
Grumble, grumble...
What do you *mean*, 59 messages ? *Already* !?
X-Original-Yahoo-Groups-Redacted-From: "Doriane" <delwynmarch at ...>
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Okay. Intro first, right ?
I'm a false oldie. I joined somewhere around July 2000, posted a bit,
and then RL got me : I met The Love Of My Life, who was living on
another planet (or so it seemed), so we spent all our free time
chatting on the Net. And, well, chatting with him seemed somehow more
important than posting on the list <g>. Then we got married, had a
baby, and life got a bit easier, so I went to check back on my
favourite list. What a shock ! Different lists for different topics,
Elves and other what-nots, and about 10 000 members !! Waow...
As for the controversy about Admin matters, I learned about it here.
I'm not on HPFGU-OT (I just don't have time for it), so that proposal
about discussing policies came out of the blue as far as I was
concerned, but it seemed interesting so I jumped, even though I don't
have any particular griefs or concerns.
"Hebby Elf" asked :
> If you could change one thing about HPfGU, what would it be?
I'd love to see the rules enforced. Well, some of them anyway :-)
Like for example : I positively get fed up when I see 100 posts all
named exactly the same way, even though they don't touch that subject
anymore and there might be 3 widely different sub-threads discussed
at the same time. I try to change the heading each time I answer a
post, in order to keep it exactly on subject, but few people do that,
and it annoys me, I must admit.
> Should there be some formal recognition of good/long-time posters?
What for ?
> If past experience is any guide, we'll be getting a surge of new
> posters next June when the PoA movie premieres. How should we deal
> with it?
Take a big gulp of air, and wait for it to subside ?
I have to run now, so I'm afraid I'll have to answer the other
interesting ideas I glimpsed in later posts tomorrow. Would you all
mind not posting until then ;-) ?
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