Changing The Subject Line (Re: Welcome to HPFGU-Feedback)

Jen Reese stevejjen at
Mon Nov 24 19:44:31 UTC 2003

--- In HPFGU-Feedback at, "Doriane" <delwynmarch at y...> 
> I'd love to see the rules enforced. Well, some of them anyway :-) 
> Like for example : I positively get fed up when I see 100 posts 
> named exactly the same way, even though they don't touch that 
> anymore and there might be 3 widely different sub-threads 
> at the same time. I try to change the heading each time I answer a 
> post, in order to keep it exactly on subject, but few people do 
> and it annoys me, I must admit.

This rule is a dilemma for me. I started out by changing my subject 
line frequently, only to notice that the thread often went on 
without me, and the new subject died off. I do the same thing as a 
reader--I'm following a thread, see the subject line, and start 
reading the thread. I don't want to start on another thread that 
divides my attention between two very similar issues, and may end up 
being a repeat, so I stick with the original thread. Or read both, 
but respond to the original thread.

So then I stopped changing my subject lines unless veering widely 
off from the original idea, and have found I'm getting more 
responses. Now, you could argue my posts are getting more attention 
as they get better over time (at least I hope <g>) and maybe name 
recognition does play a big role in what people read, but IMO 
changing the subject line risks your thoughts being lost in the flow 
of a thread.

Jen Reese

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