We'd Like to Pick Your Brains About TBAY

Tim Regan tim_regan82 at dumbledad.yahoo.invalid
Wed Dec 3 15:13:16 UTC 2003

Trudging laboriously through the cold, clawing mud on his way to the Three
Broomsticks, passers by could distinctly hear Snape muttering under his

"Why does he want to meet here?"

"What's wrong with my office?"

But he struggled on against the elements and eventually arrived to find
Professor Binns waiting for him with twos steaming mugs of butterbeer.

"Good evening Professor" barked Snape

"I hope you haven't bought me here just to share a cordial butterbeer?"

"Oh no, no Severus. I have some questions emailed to me by a list-elf from a
Yahoo group and I wanted to get your opinion. Please, please, do sit down."

Barely trying to hide the look of utter contempt on his face, Snape sat

"Let us be quick then Professor, what are the questions from this . this ..
this elf?"

"Well, they are not really sure what they are asking, but it seems to boil
down to these four questions." Before continuing, Professor Binns took a
large swig of butterbeer and stopped to slowly wipe the froth from his lips.

"Yes, yes, pray continue quickly - I am starting to feel increasingly
annoyed by the amount of time you are wasting with this ludicrous flight of
fancy" said Snape, dangerously.

"oh, yes yes" said Professor Binns

"sorry if I have kept you from something important. The four questions were:

1. They'd like to know how you perceive TBAY. How would you describe TBAY
messages? What do you feel is the most important aspect of a TBAY message?
What does the term 'TBAY theory' mean to you? What, if any, is the
difference between a TBAY theory and a regular HPfGU theory? 

2. Do you read TBAY messages? Have you ever posted a TBAY message? If you
have, what prompted you to do so? Have you ever wanted to respond to a TBAY
thread but chose not to because of the format? What about the TBAY format
made you reluctant to post?

3. How accessible do you find the TBAY format? Do you find discussions of
older theories (such as MAGIC DISHWASHER) on TBAY more or less accessible
then discussions of older theories in regular posts (such as Evil!Lupin)? Do
Hypothetic Alley (home of several major TBAY theories) and Fantastic Posts
help to make TBAY posts more accessible? What can veteran TBAY-ers do to
make newbies feel more welcome?

4. What do you find confusing about TBAY? What would you like to know before
posting? What would make you more likely to post in a TBAY style?"

"I am incensed", spat Snape

"I deal with potions, an exacting subject where the attention to detail is
absolute. If a student of mine uses a drop more, or a drop less of an
ingredient than is absolutely necessary the potion is ruined. 

"Tell me Binns, why would a poster on this ludicrous group you mention want
to bury an interesting point of cannon in baroque and impenetrable

"Do you know what Severus, I think I agree with you" concluded Professor
Binns succinctly.


So do I.





[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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