[HPFGU-Feedback] Re: ADMIN: We'd Like to Pick Your Brains About TBAY
Shaun Hately
drednort at drednort.geo.yahoo.invalid
Thu Dec 4 09:11:04 UTC 2003
On 3 Dec 2003 at 23:43, Risti wrote:
> In response to the points Shaun has made:
> The idea of TBAY having a seperate list has crossed my mind, as
> well, to be honest. Then I realized that to do so would be suicide
> to the Bay. Let me try and explain.
> You've said a couple of times now that you feel Theory Bay divides
> the list, and that the solution would be to create a subgroup for
> it. I guess I just can't see how *dividing* the list further would
> make us more unified.
Because it would, IMHO, ensure that only people who were genuinely interested
in TBAY would be involved in TBAY. They wouldn't have to deal with people who
find it annoying.
> Theory Bay needs the main list. If we were to go and seperate
> ourselves, it wouldn't be long until we died out completely. It's
> actually quite rare that an entire TBAY discussion-at least one that
> lasts for more than a couple replies-will exist without some of the
> replies being out of the Bay. As I've said before, anyone I've ever
> talked to in the Bay doesn't mind that. You really expect it. We
> might reply and find a way to put your comments back into the Bay,
> but we don't expect everyone to apparate into George's an order a
> drink before stating their opinion. Some theories are born in the
> Bay, and later discussed in the 'regular way'. Alot of theories are
> born out of perfectly 'normal' posts, that either the creator or a
> big fan wants to take a little further.
> I suppose that in the end, the list doesn't *need* Theory Bay. It
> could exist without us, which is one of the reasons why this topic
> is being discussed at all. I think, however, and I know others
> agree with me, that Theory Bay adds something to the list, and it
> wouldn't be the same without it. Theory Bay allows us to act out
> some of our inner silliness by showing just how crazy a certain
> theory has made us. On a board with a younger membership, you might
> see alot of 'Well, as the President of the Draco is Cool Club, I'd
> like to say that I think this theory rox! Wouldn't you agree Dracy-
> poo?' I may kick myself for using this analogy, but it's some of
> the same spirit to give yourself an active role in the defense of
> your favorite character that motivates people in Theory Bay. You
> could cut out the Bay, but that enthusiasm would find another way to
> work its way into the list, and it may not be in intelligent, well
> thought out posts.
My view is that if TBAY needs the list to survive, as you believe, and the list
doesn't need TBAY to survive, then TBAY is being specially privileged by being
on the list. If TBAY can't stand on its own two feet, why is the entire list expected
to 'subsidise' it?
Now, personally, I think TBAY should be able to survive quite well on its own list -
in fact I think it would do better on its own list.
And I don't think TBAY should necessarily be kicked off - frankly I am personally
quite happy to continue getting TBAY posts.
But I'm on over 100 e-mail list and I get about 1000 e-mails a day (-8 so I am used
to getting a high level of messages that simply do not interest me - so ignoring
TBAY (and I actually don't totally ignore it) isn't a major concern for me.
For somebody who is only on HPFGU and is already feeling overwhelmed by the
number of posts - and I think there are people in that situation - I'm not sure TBAY
is a help.
It's real saving grace IMHO, is it is fairly infrequent so it doesn't interfere much for
other people - but at the same time that's a pity because there are so many
people who enjoy it.
Frankly, I'd be worried it already is dying - and being overwhelmed by the growing
Yours Without Wax, Dreadnought
Shaun Hately | www.alphalink.com.au/~drednort/thelab.html
(ISTJ) | drednort at ... | ICQ: 6898200
"You know the very powerful and the very stupid have one
thing in common. They don't alter their views to fit the
facts. They alter the facts to fit the views. Which can be
uncomfortable if you happen to be one of the facts that
need altering." The Doctor - Doctor Who: The Face of Evil
Where am I: Frankston, Victoria, Australia
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