Searching and Archive List Questions

ameliagoldfeesh ameliagoldfeesh at
Thu Dec 4 15:39:17 UTC 2003

A Goldfeesh:

I have a couple of questions about searching.  

1- Is searching on Yahoo so slow because of the number of posts it 
has to go through?  Right now there are 86488 posts. 

2-HPfGU has one archive list currently which has 7818 messages on it.
I believe these were from HPfGU being on Yahoo Clubs.

3- Would moving some of the current (say first 20,000)messages onto 
an archive group make it easier to search for messages?  Perhaps 
batching messages into groups of 20,000 (an arbitrary number) per 
archive.  Example HPfGU-Archive Two would have 1-20,000 then HPfGU-
Archive Three would have 20,001-40,000 etc.  
     If this would effect searching speed this would at least 
make "recent history" searches simpler.  At any rate, searching 
would not be a lot more difficult and frustrating as it currently 

However, I must say this is all a theory since I don't know what 
makes the darn searches so difficult.  It might just be Yahoo and 
not the number of messages.  I'm wondering if anybody does know?

A Goldfeesh (just after having my last post concerning combining 
posts, I, of course, post two in a row- go figure)  

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