Never mind Tbay, what about FILKS ?
jkusalavagemd at
Sun Dec 7 15:43:41 UTC 2003
--- In HPFGU-Feedback at, "Caius Marcius"
<coriolan_cmc at h...> wrote:
> --- In HPFGU-Feedback at, "pippin_999" <foxmoth at q...>
> wrote:
> > I can't speak for all filkers, but my filks usually do have a
> canon
> > point and sometimes I've found that a filk can actually convey
> > theory better than a straightforward exposition.
Caius Marcius:
> To expand on Pippin's point, not only do many HP filks bear some
> of Canonic argument, many others were inspired by the fertile and
> active discussions that are always taking place on HP4GU. During
> long wait for OOP, many filkers joined in with their speculations
> predictions. For example, speculations over future causualties
> prompted filks by Gail B and myself (both based on Tom Lehrer's
> Next?). Kirstini's brilliant filk The Death Row Tango indulged in
> similar speculation on the eve of OOP's release. A suggestion by
> listee that the end of Book Seven would reveal the entire HP-saga
> nothing more than Harry's dream prompted two filks by Pip and
> myself. None of these filks would have been written at all if
> filkers were not permitted to make their musical responses.
Me (Haggridd):
Human written communication is not limited to that subsection of
prose we call essays. Those who would ban TBAY or filks from the
list would so limit our range of communication on the list. Essays
alone are simply inadequate to communicate some of the concepts
passed on by poetry, song, or visions (I put TBAY in this category,
myself, along with the quattrains of Nostradamus). Do not confuse
form with function. The pattern of thought that akes a slight
detour through the dimension of song can return with a very pithy,
very on-point obsvation about the Wizarding World that would not
have been conveyed so elegantly by an essay. I don't doubt it could
also be achieved by an essay, but it would take many paragraphs to
communicate what is contained in one well constructed stanza.
Pippin and CMC have given examples of canon in filks. I would like
to add that I for one, and certainly CMC, for I have remarked on it,
also construct some of our better filks to capture the particular
sense of humor or point of view that JKR is employing when she
writes about an event in the books. It is not a simple matter of
plugging in alternate rhymes to a song.
So, skip reading them, if they aren't for you. I skippepd TBAYs as
incomprehensible, until I understood my first one, and then marveled
at the genius in some of them. But never think that filks are some
effete masturbatory self-pleasuring not appropriate for the main
list. They are just as valid as the essay posts-- in some ways, as
I pointed out, more appropriate.
> Out of respect for those listees who are sorting threads
> alphabatically, I will henceforth put "FILK" in the beginning of
> posts.
Me (Haggridd):
Me too!
> - CMC
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