Two Questions on TBAY/Archives
Jen Reese
stevejjen at
Sat Dec 6 16:20:39 UTC 2003
Two things I'm curious about, having to do with the recent threads
on TBAY and Searching/Archives:
1) What if you and several other people are on a thread and
the issue seems to be heading toward a possible theory. Each of you
have contributed thoughts, but one person decides to make it into a
TBAY unilaterally (they include other posters in the TBAY). Is that
pretty much accepted practice?
2) David said we have most of the messages prior to OOTP archived,
thanks to Paul Kippes. Is the plan to take those posts off the main
list now (up to post 58,999) and if so, would it serve to speed up
the search process on the main list (and in the archives) or not?
Jen Reese
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