[HPFGU-Feedback] Re: Paying too much for long downloads

Susanne siskiou at siskiou97405.yahoo.invalid
Mon Dec 8 02:20:11 UTC 2003


Sunday, December 07, 2003, 2:52:42 PM, constancevigilance at ... wrote:

> Webview is perfect for me - I can set my
> view to expand messages, then skim through 25 messages at a time 
> pretty quickly, immediately skipping any that have obnoxious (to me) 
> prefixes.


> Maybe the list could be reminded that this is an alternative to an 
> unweildy and expensive Internet experience? Maybe this would relieve 
> some of the pressure on the list subgroups?

But you have to be online to read the messages in webview,

And on a 56K dial-up connection, it can take a while to jump
to the next page (I've done this, before getting dsl just a
month ago).

In general, it was much faster for me to download all the
messages individually (I can't stand digests), and have them
filtered into folders for different lists.

Then I could read them at my leasure, offline, without
missing phone calls.

In other countries many people still have to pay by the minute on top
of the internet fee, if I'm not mistaken, and reading the
list in webview wouldn't cut down on time, and might even
add to it.

Best regards,
 Susanne                           mailto:siskiou at ...

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