Never mind Tbay, what about FILKS ?

Caius Marcius coriolan_cmc at
Sat Dec 6 15:38:40 UTC 2003

--- In HPFGU-Feedback at, "pippin_999" <foxmoth at q...> 
> Carolyn:
> > > I suppose they are easy to spot, like Tbay, so equally easy to 
> > > ignore if you want to. However, I'd still like to understand 
> > > rationale for them being on the main list. They seem to me to 
> be 
> > > somewhere between fanfic and OTC.
> Richard 
> > Ahh... I was wondering when this subject would crop up, and 
> although  I was going to raise it elsewhere, this is perhaps an 
> opportunity to  get my thoughts out of the way.
> > 
> I can't speak for all filkers, but  my filks usually do have a 
> point  and sometimes I've found that a filk can actually convey a 
> theory better than a straightforward  exposition. 

To expand on Pippin's point, not only do many HP filks bear some sort 
of Canonic argument, many others were inspired by the fertile and 
active discussions that are always taking place on HP4GU. During the 
long wait for OOP, many filkers joined in with their speculations and 
predictions. For example, speculations over future causualties 
prompted filks by Gail B and myself (both based on Tom Lehrer's Who's 
Next?). Kirstini's brilliant filk The Death Row Tango indulged in 
similar speculation on the eve of OOP's release. A suggestion by one 
listee that the end of Book Seven would reveal the entire HP-saga as 
nothing more than Harry's dream prompted two filks by Pip and 
myself.  None of these filks would have been written at all if 
filkers were not permitted to make their musical responses.

Out of respect for those listees who are sorting threads 
alphabatically, I will henceforth put "FILK" in the beginning of my 

   - CMC


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