TBAY - my take

naamagatus naama_gat at naamagatus.yahoo.invalid
Mon Dec 15 08:57:01 UTC 2003


As I see it, TBAY is a sophisticated format for discussion of 
*cannon*. Since HPfGU is dedicated to discussion of *cannon*, I don't 
think there are legitimate grounds for banning the TBAY format. The 
difference between TBAY and fanfic is that, whereas TBAY is a format 
for discussion, fanfic posts deal with subject material that is *not* 
cannon. So, quite logically, fanfic is out and TBAY is in, and should 
be so. 

Besides the "legalistic" aspect, I have to say (going with David's 
party metaphor), that it's very rude to break off some people's 
discussion, just because you don't like it, or feel left out. 
Dicentra pointed out that TBAY posts comprise only 3% of all the 
posts, so it's not like they are monopolizing the discussion, is it? 
If you don't like it, then frankly, it's your problem. Solution? 
Don't read them. Feel left out? Well, nobody is giving you the cold 
shoulder on purpose. If it bothers you so much - make the effort to 
learn the rules and codes, and join in. If you can't or can't be 
bothered, then again, that's your problem, not theirs. 

Naama, thinking that when you give people a place to whine in, they 

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