[HPFGU-Feedback] Re: ADMIN: Possible Changes to the Main List Settings
Shaun Hately
drednort at drednort.geo.yahoo.invalid
Thu Jan 22 00:16:53 UTC 2004
On 22 Jan 2004 at 0:58, Przemyslaw Plaskowicki wrote:
> Shaun Hately wrote:
> Nevertheless, it never have been a concern for me. My full name gets
> over 400 hits on Google Web and 500 hits on Google Groups, all (or
> almost all) are my posts to various fora. I just don't care, and I guess
> some people on HP4GU don't care either.
Some people almost certainly don't care - but some people do - and
some may have very real concerns. Personally speaking, there are
things I have said on HPFGU that I would *prefer* that children I
work with don't see. Mainly because they go into personal issues
about my own childhood that they don't need to know about in any
more detail than I have already told them. There's nothing there
that would be a disaster for me if they found out - but there is
stuff that would make me uncomfortable.
Other people may have even greater concerns - I know of cases where
people's posts to various internet newsgroups (which are generally
publically archived) have cost them jobs, and have even put the
custody of their children at risk. In some cases, they should have
been more careful and the posts raised real concerns. In other
cases, the problems have occurred because innocent posts were taken
seriously out of context.
When I join any internet forum (and I've been on such forums now
for... well, 14 years or so) I check its accessibility, and I do
sometimes choose to post certain things to some groups and nother
others based on that accessibility. In the case of HPFGU, if the
list had had public archives at the time I made certain posts, I
would not have made those posts because I don't want them coming up
in google searches.
Now, I'm still on the list - so I will know about any change - and
I can go back through the archives and delete those posts now if I
want to. So I'm not overly concerned for *myself* whether or not
the list archives are open.
What really concerns me is those people who have been on HPFGU in
the past and who no longer are on the list. Who posted to a list
that had closed archives (and may have only had 1000 or members at
the time they joined it) - and who will have no way of knowing that
their messages have suddenly become much more publically
accessible, until one of them is put in front of them by their
manager, or their spouse, or their child, or a lawyer. Because they
won't know this change has happened, they cannot protect against
There's another issue that I think the admins need to consider -
that of legal liability. I discussed this briefly with a lawyer at
work - it's complex because we're dealing with so many potential
jurisdictions here - but if a person sent a message to 'closed
archives' HPFGU two years ago, and after the archives were opened -
without their knowledge, such a message was used against them in
some way, this lawyer could not rule out the possibility that that
person would have a legal case against the HPFGU admins. He felt
that such a case would *probably* be unlikely to succeed - but
there were circumstances in which it might.
When you change the rules, you start to run risks like that -
especially in a case where there is no practical way of letting
many people know about the change.
Seriously - if HPFGU admins do decide to open the archives, I think
it would be very wise of them to announce that change fairly widely
in other places former members are likely to hang around in.
My preference is that the archives not be opened - but if they are,
I think you'd be well advised to make sure you've made all
reasonable efforts to try and ensure that anyone with messages in
those archives is informed of the change.
Yours Without Wax, Dreadnought
Shaun Hately | www.alphalink.com.au/~drednort/thelab.html
(ISTJ) | drednort at ... | ICQ: 6898200
"You know the very powerful and the very stupid have one
thing in common. They don't alter their views to fit the
facts. They alter the facts to fit the views. Which can be
uncomfortable if you happen to be one of the facts that
need altering." The Doctor - Doctor Who: The Face of Evil
Where am I: Frankston, Victoria, Australia
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