Personal List Musings (was RE: [HPFGU-OTChatter] Re: On Moderated and Un-Moderated Status)
Mrs.) Lee Storm (God Is The Healing Force
n2fgc at
Thu Aug 19 15:00:38 UTC 2004
Hey Folks,
I'm going to just "blanket" address the feel of comments here rather than
make specific refs and attributions.
I'm also cross-posting this to the feedback list.
Firstly, I've been involved with newsgroups and e-lists since
that's a pretty long time to be playing with this kind of stuff. :-) I've
seen, I think, just about everything that can happen on one list/group or
another, having been participant as well as moderator
One of the things that does happen is that people sometimes post and forget
that other real people with real feelings and diverse backgrounds are
reading what is written. This can make for all kinds of trouble! Now, I'll
be the first to say that, no matter how one slices it, someone somewhere
will always find a gripe about a post or poster...but someone somewhere can
always find a gripe about another person, too. <Grin>:
Every list/group has a "climate," an atmosphere which pervades it; some are
more antagonistic, some are more of a slug-fest (yes, I actually heard from
a friend who had been on a list where people were actually trying to pick
fights about some triviality in someone's post). But the majority that I've
been on are usually populated by lovely and decent people.
Now, sometimes a person will come on to a list which is rather polite and
laid back from one of those more antagonistic lists and all heck can break
loose. As a moderator, I would write to that antagonist and explain that my
list was one where respect is key, there are real people reading these posts
and if said antagonist could not adhere to the list rules then I would have
to remove him/her. The results were usually favorable with apologies from
the antagonist and I rarely had to do a removal. However, there were those
who decided to unsub, too, because they thought the list wasn't
confrontational enough for them...fine by me. :-)
There are lists where discussion of list policy and bashing the admins fall
under regular list posting; I would always tend to discourage this and
request that people take their gripes either to me or to whoever is the
problem rather than pepper the list with a problem. But, that's not for I say, some lists put everything on the table. The fact
that HPFGU has a feedback list, to me, is a very nice thing...a good way to
express for the members and a good way for the elves to get the "pulse" of
the lists.
One of the things I tried to do was encourage certain veterans to help new
folk with snipping and formatting and inform new folk that there are these
list veterans out there who would gladly help them with these kinds of
things. This usually works well. However, there are people that, no matter
how many times one asks them to snip or to sign their posts, it don't
happen, and one deals or adapts. :-) I'm sure the list elves on HPFGU have
these kinds of things to deal with as well...and these lists are a whole lot
bigger than mine! :-)
I do think that proper subject attribution *Is Truly Important*. I admit
guilt on sometimes forgetting to alter the subject...<Lee irons her
fingers>... but appropriate subject lines do make for better sorting and
possible deletion of threads someone might see as uninteresting. Again,
however, from my experience, as much as I've tried to stress this, there are
those who consistently do not adhere and, again, one must deal or adapt.
Why am I expounding on all this? Simple...I'm just trying to point out
that, no matter where you go, some rule on some list is probably going to
make someone unhappy. And, just as there are no perfect people in this
world, there are no perfectly perfect lists/groups.
Sure, I've had a rejected and one edited post while on moderated status on
the main list, but that's okay. If I had the time, there are some folk I
would probably moderate more closely on my list...but I don't as there are
only two of us admin types and both busy with other pursuits as well as our
computer time. So I applaud the fact that HPFGU has such a large team that
can do moderated status.
IMO, if a person isn't happy on a list, then search out others and, perhaps,
one can find a more ideal list home. I know that input is accepted
gratefully here, and I'm sure some of the ideas may be rattling around in
the hoppers of the list elves. But, if the HPFGU isn't meeting a need for
someone, then search around. Remember, though, the grass isn't always
greener on the other lists. <Grin.>
I've rambled long enough, so I'll shut up now and go attack some chocolate.
Thank you, HPFGU Elves. :-)
Lee :-)
Do not walk behind me, | Lee Storm
I may not care to lead; | N2FGC
Do not walk before me; | n2fgc at ... (or)
I may not care to follow; | n2fgc at ...
Walk beside me, and be my friend.
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