Use of the OT-Chatter list (was OTC 'Newbie' thread)

Sam hermionesmum at
Fri Aug 20 20:58:01 UTC 2004

--- In HPFGU-Feedback at, "davewitley" 
<dfrankiswork at n...> wrote:
> > Rita, suggested in 23860 that OTC is for discussion 'not 
> about canon', implying that canon questions and points ought not 
> be raised on that list.  SNIPED> 
> Conversely, Dina suggested in 23868 that OTC is a friendlier place 
> for newbies to start out with posting ideas about which they don't 
> feel confident, 'to ease themselves into this community', before 
> plunging into the main list.
> While I am all in favour of anything that generally builds the 
> confidence of new members, I worry that this advice will become 
> defeating.  I don't think it's a good idea to advise newcomers 
> generally to start out on OTC before graduating to the main list: 
> think that does both lists a big disservice.
> The main list *is* where we discuss our theories about and 
> to the books (and any revelations on the jkrowling website).  
> is no need for anyone to feel that their ideas are too half-baked, 
> not sufficiently polished, for the main list.  It is for *any* 
> related discussion, however trivial, not just for those posts that 
> are candidates for 'Fantastic Posts' category.  Furthermore, we 
> already have the moderated post system in place there, for the 
> precise purpose of easing new members into the community.
> My concern is that OTC will end up suffering from exactly the same 
> problems that people go there from the main list to escape, as 
> and more people post there, because they feel they will get a more 
> sympathetic audience, or because list volume is lower there, or 
> whatever.
> In particular, I think it is bad netiquette, and unacceptable, for 
> people to re-post on OTC what they have already posted on the main 
> list, because they failed to get a response the first time round.
> I feel that it is the responsibility of all us oldbies to make new 
> people feel welcome on *all* our lists, not to shuttle them back 
> forth from one to another because they are considered too canon-
> for one and too uncouth for the other.
> David

Sam pipes up:
             Hello, I'm one of the newbies who welcomed Dina's 
suggestion about using OT chatter for initial posts. I've thoroughly 
enjoyed reading the main list for the last year or so and have spent 
many a happy sunday night in the HPFGU chat room, usually with a 
glass of wine in one hand and ready for relaxed conversation, 
usually with a bit of a giggle.

I'm very impressed with the quality of the discussion and the care 
that folk put into their theories. Even without trying to keep up 
with the high volume of posts on the main list, trying to join such 
a group is an intimidating prospect. 

I understand the need to discuss ways of making the list manageable, 
but for a newbie such as myself, encountering the recent threads on 
raised list volume and the irritating practices of newbies feels 
like walking into a pub full of locals expressing outrage that their 
favourite watering hole has been invaded by students. Some are even  
trying to disperse them with loud comments about how unwelcome they 
are while looking as if they wouldn't be adverse to offing a few 
with a stray dart if they could make it look like an accident.

Dave's comments about wanting to make newbies welcome are very much 
appreciated. I made a canon-based post to OT chatter thinking it was 
going to particularly lame as it was a knee-jerk reaction to the 
JKR's door opening. 

I wanted to suggest that next time we get some new canon to play 
with we initially try out our ideas on it in the chat room.  I can 
normally only manage a sentence or two of thought before my ideas 
start falling down anyway, and I don't generally make a very good 
job of explaining the connections my mind is making. I'm also not 
above a bit of schoolgirl silliness, especially where Remus Lupin is 
concerned. We could then think about making a co authored post to 
the main list that would be worth reading. Does this appeal to 

who has got her children to bed, hidden the furry crocodile and is 
generally a bit less fraught:)

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