What Price Success? Improving Posting Quality on HPfGU

dumbledore11214 dumbledore11214 at dumbledore11214.yahoo.invalid
Sat Feb 19 21:05:31 UTC 2005

There is no doubt that if members were limited to, or restricted 
themselves to fewer posts the quality would improve. I've talked off 
list to fellow members about one concern I have with a strict limit 
of posts per day. From time to time there is a burst of creativity 
and humor, with a rapid-fire exchange of posts. Now, maybe they 
really are of interest to the few who actually participate, or maybe 
lurkers are enjoying the exchange too. Certainly they won't be of 
great interest to those who later are trying to catch up. But they do 
add flavor.  I suppose this falls under the "party" view.Could this 
sort of thing be tolerated?  If Elves are going to step in 
to remind the tennis players to go offline, maybe this "party talk" 
could be nudged off if it was out of hand?


Kathy, I so want to add my agreement to this suggestion of yours. I 
still think that there is no reason why we cannot have both - party 
type exchange and more academic style debate.


P.S. I am computer dummy too, so I am very happy if I could help you 
with combining - from one dummy to another. ;o)

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