What Price Success? Improving Posting Quality on HPfGU

kjirstem stonehenge.orders at kjirstem.yahoo.invalid
Mon Feb 21 21:21:55 UTC 2005

Becky wrote:
>What if the house elves came up with the basic posts they can foresee
>a couple of days before the ban was up and posted them. ... Not brand
>new theory type questions. I'm not suggesting that they be allowed
>to answer them either. I'm just suggesting that they put up the very
>basic, very open question. 

 Siriusly Snapey Susan wrote:
><big snip> 
> I would still love to hear more feedback on a two-week "off" period 
> (not a moratorium on joining but on posting) after HBP's release,
> as well as thoughts on Becky's suggestion of a  just-before-going-live 
> list of expected-to-be-FAQs for the new book.

For what it's worth, I like the two weeks off post-HBP idea. After
waiting a couple years I'm going to take my time reading the book.
(That's my intent, anyway.) The only issue I can see is that people
might go elsewhere to discuss their ideas, at least for awhile.  I
expect all the same topics would come up around here anyway.  I guess
there may be some people who don't come back when the list re-opens.
So, some potential list members are lost.  But you know, I'm pretty
sure I've seen a similar policy on other groups before and I respected
that there was some thought going into managing a transient issue.  

On Becky's idea, reading her post I thought she meant something more
like the start of a thread rather than FAQ's in a file.  Either way,
seems like a useful idea to me.

And congratulations on your elf-hood, SSSusan!

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