What Price Success? Improving Posting Quality on HPfGU

M.Clifford Aisbelmon at valkyrievixen.yahoo.invalid
Tue Feb 22 01:22:28 UTC 2005

--- In HPFGU-Feedback at yahoogroups.com, "Shaun Hately" 
<drednort at a...> wrote:
> Speaking personally, I am decidedly not in favour of postings 
> being blocked for the two weeks after the release of HBP. I've 
> been thinking a lot about this, and personally I think it is 
> rather a discriminatory policy.
> So first of all, the idea of closing the list for two weeks is, in 
> my view, discriminatory against those who read the fastest - 
> because they will experience a much larger gap between the time 
> they finish the book, and the time they will be able to start 
> discussing it on HPFGU.

That will be me too Shaun. Though I have said I am willing to sit on 
my hands for two weeks for the sake of the list, I completely relate 
to the worry that you're expressing. My copy of HBP will be finished 
in under 12hrs.

> Second issue, somewhat related.
> Half Blood Prince is due for release 16th July 2005. Therefore any 
> posting moratorium would presumably last until 30th July 2005.

> So a two week hiatus policy would have the effect of ensuring that 
> many Australians would have no chance to post about the book 
> during a school holiday period, while most people in America and 
> the United Kingdom will.

Ahhhh! Oh no that's true! Our holidays only *last* two weeks because 
it's winter here then.... hmmm I am now thinking that over again...

> I am not saying these issues should necessarily be fatal to the 
> ideas proposed - but I do think there are real potential issues of 
> discrimination here.
> And they do affect me personally, I must confess. My mid year 
> break (at University level) runs from the 25th May to the 24th 
> July.
> In other words, Half Blood Prince is being released a little over 
> a week before the end of my University holidays.

Valky: HBP is released in the middle of my two week midyear break 
which ends on the 28th. I will be back to study by then, and my 
holidays will have been spent not being able to post.
I am beginning to agree with Shaun, although I can be patient I 
really don't want to utterly miss out.

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