Complaining to Yah / Re: "Previous" and "Next"
kelleythompson at
Sat Mar 26 21:27:31 UTC 2005
> Alla:
> Yes, Kelley, for members "previous and next" seem to work in the
> normal order, but unfortunately I don't think that this idiotic set-
> up for messages is a glitch. I would love to be wrong, really. :)
Lol, yeah, too much to ask for, right? It does seem very odd though,
this inconsistency. Hm...different programmers working on different
sections, maybe?
> But I think someone on the OT chatter was right when he/she
> commented that they want the most recent messages to be on top.
> It is hard to make my brain work backwards. :)
Heh, you mean that Yahoo wants them that way? It seems they do, yes,
but it'd sure be nice to let the groups and/or individuals choose
their own settings for stuff like that, sigh.
> Kelley:
> Also probably to be expected that Yah is going to be ironing out
> lots of wrinkles in the upcoming weeks (and months, sigh).
> Alla:
> I would LOVE if they would iron out at least this particular wrinke.
Oh, you and me both.
> I hope that Admin will remonstrate and campaign in the most
> forceful way with Yahoo <snip>
Absolutely, though really, I don't have any sense that Yah listens
to 'moderators' any more than they listen to 'members' of a group.
So, in light of that, I encourage everyone to send Yahoo your
thoughts about the changes:
I've been working on creating a list of the problematic changes, so
please add any you can think of (if you have a better wording for any
of these, that'd be appreciated, too):
Rather than seeming "streamlined", it's now bloated -- too much 'white
space' / extreme waste of screen space.
Restore message numbers on the Messages index.
Restore search by message number.
Messages index -- allow for viewing most recent messages at bottom as
it was before.
Messages index -- Allow for viewing only message subjects instead of
brief bit of message itself.
Reverse "Next" and "Previous": When reading messages, "Next" should
go to the most recent message numerically -- i.e., when reading 12345,
"Next" should go to 12346, not 12344. On Messages page, "First" and
"Previous" should refer to earlier messages in the archive as before.
When reading an individual message, clicking on Message Index was
better before when it brought up the index beginning with the chosen
message and going forward chronologically.
Allow for viewing "My Groups" without icons -- page used to be nicely
compact, now bloated.
Allow for altering color of the 'white box' on home page, Messages
page, when viewing individual messages.
Members list should default sort alphabetically by email address,
rather than by date joined -- better yet, allow groups / individuals
to choose their own defaults.
Members list should default to "Simple" rather than "Expanded".
That's what I have so far; surely will be plenty of management
problems I've not come across yet. Some folks here on FB mod groups
of their own, so if y'all have noticed any problems in this regard,
share that with us, too, please.
Would also say it's a good idea to let them know what things we like,
as well. Very nice that list members can search the members list, there must be something else... ;-)
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