Wish List for Yahoo Group Services

Steve bboyminn at bboyminn.yahoo.invalid
Sun Mar 27 07:51:09 UTC 2005

If there was even a remote chance that Yahoo would listen and act,
what would our Wish List be to make Yahoo Groups Services up to scratch.

I'll add a few, others can add theirs, in the end we may have a list
worth of sending to Yahoo to show them what is REALLY needed to
improve their service.

1.) Get a real SEARCH Engine for the Groups - Serious discussion
groups need a seriously functional and full feature Search capability.
You should be able to search Forward or Backward, you should be able
to set a range limit that you want to search (in other words, search
for posts in the range 100,000 to 120,000). I'm sure there are other
advanced feature, but I don't want to clutter the idea right now.

2.) EDIT - many News and Discussion groups allow the original author
to go back to a post and Edit it. If you see a typo, or forget
something, you simply go to that post, click the Edit button, make the
changes and save it. It doesn't create a new message, it truly edits
the old one. Again, many discussion groups have this feature.

3.) SORT - In many groups, you click on the Title Bar, and which ever
Title you click on, that's how the post are sorted. If you use Yahoo
Mail, it has this feature. You can sort by Date, Subject, Sender, or

What I think would work fantastic for the group is if you could have a
primary sort by Username with a secondary sort by Date. That way I
could find all of the post by a given user and have them all sorted by

4.) GO TO - can't imagine why they got rid of the Go To Message Number

5.) Compact Display - again this is related more to the new format
than an actual fearture. The new format uses more than twice the room
to display less information. I don't need horizonatal line, icons, or
graphic; the internet is about information, so just give me the
information. This is especially critical in high volume Groups, I
really don't want to go page after page of ten messages each while I
work my way through hundreds of messages.

That's about all I can think of for now, you can either add to the
list, or rank my suggestion by degree of importance.

For what it's worth.


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