Treading Dangerously, Perhaps, But...Desperate

Mrs.) Lee Storm (God is the Healing Force n2fgc at
Mon Sep 5 16:41:02 UTC 2005

Dear List Elves,

First, let me say that I respect those in the HP community who enjoy reading
this "slash" type fanfic and it is their right to interpret characters the
way they wish.

Personally, I have a most difficult time reading posts that have to do with
same-sex Ships and interpretations of characters that are, IMO, nothing at
all the way they were written to be by JKR.

I know this will probably take on more work, so I can certainly understand
if you wouldn't want to think along these lines and, perhaps instead, let me
know if there are places which meet the criteria I feel important.

I'd really like to find a list where the members are true to the characters,
recognizing that they are written as heterosexual, and working with the
characters in the spirit in which they were written.  I just can't deal with
seeing folk think of Harry involved with another male, etc.; it's just so
far from the true characterization that I find myself literally nauseated by

If you know of a list/community which deals with truly straight
interpretations of the characters, I would sincerely like to know! I'm sure
I'm not alone in this as I have seen many requests for fanfic suggestions,
including my own, seeking fic that is true to the cannon in it's
interpretation of the characters. (I'm still looking for that, too.)

Please help those of us who are straight find a place we can share with our

With thanks,

Lee Storm

Do not walk behind me,    | Lee Storm
I may not care to lead;   | N2FGC
Do not walk before me,    | n2fgc at ... (or)
I may not care to follow; | n2fgc at ...
Walk beside me, and be my friend.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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