Treading Dangerously, Perhaps, But...Desperate
lunalovegood at
Mon Sep 5 21:15:26 UTC 2005
Lee Storm (God is the Healing Force wrote:
> Personally, I have a most difficult time reading posts that have to
do with same-sex Ships and interpretations of characters that are,
IMO, nothing at all the way they were written to be by JKR.
I don't know what response you are seeking here. It looks like you
are exclaiming to us that same sex doesn't exist in Rowling. Okay,
you are free to exclaim this.
> I know this will probably take on more work, so I can certainly
understand if you wouldn't want to think along these lines and,
perhaps instead, let me know if there are places which meet the
criteria I feel important.
Again, I don't know what you are saying here. What would be more
work? Are you suggesting something? If so, what? What are "these
lines" we may not want to think along?
As for places that meet your criteria, I daresay Scholastic
publishing would no doubt fit.
> I'd really like to find a list where the members are true to the
characters, recognizing that they are written as heterosexual, and
working with the characters in the spirit in which they were
written. I just can't deal with seeing folk think of Harry involved
with another male, etc.; it's just so far from the true
characterization that I find myself literally nauseated by it.
There are many takes on the Harry Potter universe, there is no single
take on it, like some othodox church of Potter. Even if there was
such an orthodoxy, there would be disenters a plenty, moreso than
orthodox adherants. Also, you come across as if you were trying to
insult the slash friendly list, because you can just ask, "hey, is
there a heterosexual only sort of list you could direct me to?",
instead of talking about how slash makes you ill, how it's so far
from canon etc. etc. I suggest you just ask a simple question,
without trying to offend people with discriptions of how some
interpretions make you ill. It's more than a bit passive aggressive.
> If you know of a list/community which deals with truly straight
interpretations of the characters, I would sincerely like to know!
I'm sure I'm not alone in this as I have seen many requests for
fanfic suggestions, including my own, seeking fic that is true to the
cannon in it's interpretation of the characters. (I'm still looking
for that, too.)
Sorry, I don't know what you mean "truly straight" - is this opposed
to something that is falsely straight? Honestly, I'm not being cute
here. There are thousands of writers on and
fictionalley who swear their fiction is true to canon. It's a matter
of interpretation.
> Please help those of us who are straight find a place we can share
with our families.
Again with the passive aggressive suggestion that family and gay
can't be the same thing. I have absolutely nothing against my 9 year
old son reading gay themed material (that isn't porn). You seem to
think gay is porn by definition.
If you want to find a hetero only list, that's fine. But don't insult
the list in this passive aggressive way while you do it.
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