Threading problem in the new Yahoo interface
nkafkafi at
Thu Oct 19 17:14:07 UTC 2006
> SSSusan:
> Neri, this has driven a lot of us nuts since Yahoo!Groups first
> it's "New and **coughNOTcough** Improved" version of Y!Gs a few
months ago.
> I *loved* the old "Up Thread" and "Down Thread" buttons, and I have
> the new system very confusing and inconsistent. I also find the
> indentations they use to show the entire thread less than helpful --
I don't
> think the offsets are quite deep enough and find it hard to
actually tell
> what's indented.
> When I say consistency, I mean this:
> If you look in this message
> and click on "Show Message Option," you will see "Up Thread"
there... and
> clicking on it DOES, in fact, take you to
> and clicking on "Up Thread" in that message does, in fact, take you
> and etc.
Thank you, SSSusan, thank you! My lost Up thread button, found again!
I had the feeling I was missing something obvious.
> SSSusan:
> This is wonderful -- it's what I remember from before -- but
that "Up
> Thread" option under "Show Message Option" is NOT always present.
> SSSusan:
> For instance, in this post of Eddie's,
> even though it's a continuation of a thread ["Sevens"], it has a
new subject
> line, and there is no "Up Thread" option available.
I was going to suggest that we're generally supposed to use the
new "thread tree" below to get to the up thread post, but in threads
of more than 30 posts, where the threading function breaks down,
we're supposed to use the up thread button. This indeed works with
the threads I used in my previous examples if there are less than
30 then the thread tree looks fine and there's no up thread button.
If there are more than 30 the thread tree is broken and there *is* an
up thread button. Only your example above refutes this, because there
are less than 30 posts and still the thread tree looks broken and no
up thread button. This is worse than figuring out how to open the
door in JKR's site
Anyway, I'm pretty sure that changing the name of the thread has
nothing to do with it. Yahoomort don't care if we change the name.
>From their PoV it's still the same thread.
> SSSusan:
> Similarly, this post from Jordan, which *kept* the name of that
> ["Sevens"]
> also does not have the "Up Thread" option. Perhaps it's because
> sent the post via email and not webview? I don't know. That's the
> I've not investigated. So, while I say the "Up Thread" option is
> inconsistently, it may actually be that there's a very real,
> pattern to when it's available, but I've not figured it out.
Well, I guess we can simply ask the PTB. Although this would be like
going to the Leaky website to find out how to open the door instead
of figuring it out yourself
> SSSusan:
> Then again, this post of Jordan's in a different thread
> *does* show the "Up Thread" option. So what does that mean??
It means that this thread has more than 30 posts. So the obviously
broken thread tree below shows you *exactly* 30 posts out of them,
and Yahoo added the up thread button because they know their
threading function breaks down after 30 posts.
> SSSusan:
> And my last post was posted from webview as a reply
> and yet it does not show the "Up Thread" option.
> Sigh.... WHO KNOWS?!!?!?
Yup. Because there are less than 30 posts. So you can use the thread
tree to get to the up thread post.
So this *almost* always works: less than 30 posts - use the thread
tree. More than 30 posts use the up thread button.
I have a related question for you, SSSusan. Your post (the one I'm
answering right now) answered my post
and yet in the thread tree below, it appears as an answer to my first
post, the one that started this thread:
This is another common problem I've noticed: a post appears as a
reply to the first post of the thread although it is an answer to a
more up thread post. I suspect it's another Yahoomort quirk. Do you
remember what did you do when you answered my post?
> SSSusan:
> I guess if I have to say something nice <g>, I *do* like the
feature where
> you can expand the messages and actually read the content of each
post in
> the thread if you like -- that saves a lot of clicking, at least.
Yes, I like it too. And their new Search is waaaay better (not that
it was difficult to do better than the previous Search
> SSSusan:
> Yes, I do think we are the largest Y!G. And, yes, we do have a
contact or
> two that a couple of members of our list admin team can use (and
have used)
> to express concerns & make requests. And while those folks have
been great
> about listening and being in touch with us, it's not like we have
> "power" to wield with them. I know we did gripe very loudly about
a couple
> of the features, and they put them back aright pretty quickly, but
it may
> have been that folks from many Y!Gs were similarly concerned and
let them
> know it.
> <snip>
OK, this sounds like the classic situation of griping to the system
technicians. They might actually be very nice, but they are always
busy with More Important Things, so it's usually best to give them a
very exact description of the problem, and then ask for a small fix
that wouldn't take them a lot of work to make. Perhaps we should ask
them if it's possible to make the up thread button always available.
Since they apparently can make it available in the big threads, I
presume it shouldn't be a problem in small threads as well. Other
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