the survey

Frank D frankd14612 at
Mon Oct 22 19:31:04 UTC 2007

Frank D:

--- In HPFGU-Feedback at, "Catlady (Rita Prince Winston)"
<catlady at ...> wrote:

> Quoting Frank D
> << Just one minor irritant for me is that, in general, too much of the
previous subject matter is being repeated. >>
> << When you have two or three paragraphs of quoted text with all kinds
of pov's and topics, and then the current poster says something like,
"Yes, I agree!" or "That's not the way I see it,"  >>
> Actually, that's a violation of the rule against one line replies,
especially "I agree" and "LOL".
You're correct, Catlady. It is my oversight that I didn't finish my
thought properly. I didn't mean to say that simple agreement or
disagreement is _all_ they expressed (which clearly would be "against
the rules"). The point I was trying to make, which I should have added,
is: "and then go on with their reply without indicating which part of
the statement they are responding to."

My problem is that it is time-consuming and frustrating to have to
figure out just which statement in the quote brought about which
response in the reply. I find that I'm reading each multi-topic quote
multiple times to be sure I have zeroed in on the real gist of what's
being responded to. I agree in advance that this may seem trivial, but
it becomes more of an annoyance when you are going through many such
posts in succession.

In short, it would be wonderful if people would make it easier for their
readers to follow the give-and-take of their views by quoting and
responding to _specific_ statements in the foregoing quoted material,
not just to  the whole thing in general.

Hope I'm making myself clear this time.

Frank D

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