Greenwich (Re: Airports etc.)

Neil Ward neilward at ...
Tue Apr 24 18:15:36 UTC 2001

Catherine said, in response to my suggestion:

> Being basically quite lazy, Greenwich Market sounds great for me.  
> However, I know how badly the South of the River snobbery syndrome 
> can effect people, so I won't hold my breath.  I can't make the 
> weekend of 19/20 May, but can do the following Saturday.
> Greenwich has also got some quite nice pubs - anyone been to the 
> Trafalgar Tavern or the Cutty Sark (during the day - too cattle 
> market at night) - Neil??

I was thinking that if we had any US visitors, Greenwich has some 
lovely historical sights, including the Cutty Sark, Maritime Museum, 
(old) Observatory, Park etc.  Some of the pubs along the river are 
really old, and we could also walk through the tunnel and visit 

Perhaps 26th May?


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