[HPFGU-London] Greenwich on Saturday 26th

yael-pou yael_pou at ...
Tue Jun 5 18:24:29 UTC 2001

*sob* So close, and yet so far away...

We're going to be around London on June 1st-4th. Those dates are extremely inflexible. My husband is going to the states on a business trip. He'll be landing in London on his way back. The girls and I will join him there on May 20th (which doesn't suit most people). We'll go on a tour around north England and Scotland and be back to London for four days on June 1st (Friday).

I'm terribly disappointed that we'll miss the gathering. If anyone can meet us June 1st to June 4th (or May 20th), it'll make me very happy. I don't have the flight schedules yet. I'll mail the absolute final dates when I have them.

Thanks, Yael
"Their  clothes  were  cut  off  the  edge of  the latest
fashion,  which was currently inclining  towards  wide
hats,  padded  shoulders, narrow  waists and pointed
shoes and gave its followers the appearance of being
very well-dressed nails."
      - Terry Pratchett, Pyramids.

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