July meeting

hamster8 at ... hamster8 at ...
Thu Jun 21 09:45:59 UTC 2001

Eb ...
"The 7th is bad for me, as I'll be on tour with my group that day.  I 
am okay  with Sunday the 8th if we are meeting in Oxford or 
vicinity.  I'd much rather the weekend of the 21st-22nd if we must go 
to London."

Shall we say Sunday 8th, then.  We will have to move quickly, as I'll 
be getting my work hours from Sainsbury's before very much longer, so 
will need to change stuff around if they make me work Sunday (I can 
get off of work, I just need to give them warning) ... if not then 
21st or 22nd is fine too.  Basically, any weekend save the weekend of 
the 14th or 15th, when I'll be in Dublin, are brilliant!

For the record, I will have the use of a car (yippeee! ... haven't 
driven in *months*) so getting to Oxford shouldn't be a problem, 
though given I am deeply scared of driving on motorways, I just might 
have to go by bus.  How do buses to Oxford look on Sundays???

But can we reach a consensus *soonish*?  Ta!

Looking forward already ...

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