
Scott Sorrell insanus_scottus at ...
Wed Jun 27 21:18:53 UTC 2001

"Oh, and if anybody has a supplier of those little
Enesco figurines, I have a Ron (he was my mascot for
my exam on Friday) and would like a Harry to go with
him. I saw actual Goblets of Fire in WH Smiths
yesterday *g* but all the T-shirts are kids' sizes ...

Al, I have one of those Enesco Harry figures. It's
been sitting on my desk for a while but if you want it
(in good condition minus packaging) I'll be glad to
bring it, and it won't cost you a thing. ;-) (I don't
want it)

That's nice to offer to buy HP merchandise Eb! But
unless I'm mistaken, or your store is far more
prosperous than mine, the final day is June 27th-
today. I know they are closing and the sign said "All
WB stores will close June 27th", but then I suppose
yours could be open longer. Regardless if anyone wants
merchandise e-mail Eb fast! I'd offer too, but I won't
be back in Raleigh until Friday, and then I've got a
plane to catch so I'm not planning on visiting the

However if there's anything else anybody wants,
American HP books, etc...E-mail me and I'll do my

July the 8th at 2pm. Right? Have we decided on a
meeting place yet? Can we do that asap, and preferably
before I leave.


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