[HPFGU-London] Oxford meeting...

Simon simon at ...
Wed Jun 27 21:18:00 UTC 2001

Sorry for no comments for a few days. Things have been a little busy.

Eb: <<<Leaving Detroit in less than 2 days... can we get a final time and
venue for the meet on Sunday, July 8th?>>>

We have decided on meeting at 2 pm. I think it would be best if we meet in The
King's Arms. This is a centrally located pub. It is easy to find (and is also
well known - in case you need to ask for directions), has reasonable selection
of drinks and serves reasonable food (if we decide to stay there for food
instead of moving elsewhere). Hopefully it will be fairly empty on a Sunday
afternoon out of term time.

The all-important directions (map:
The KA is situated on the cross roads at the ends of Broad Street, Parks Road,
Holywell Street and Catte Street. Specifically being on the corner of Parks
and Holywell.

For those coming from the Thornhill Park and Ride I believe you can get off
the bus on the High Street (I need to check this detail). From there you walk
a short distance in the direction the bus was going. You will come to a
crossing, outside The Old Bank Hotel. Use the crossing and then walk straight
on, this takes you on Catte Street. The pub is just up ahead on your right.

While walking up Catte Street you will see the Radcliffe Camera, Bodleian
Library and Sheldonian Theatre on your left. All Souls and Hertford (including
the Bridge of Sighs) will be found to your right. At this point
tour-guide!Simon gives up.

>From the train station: Walk towards the main road. Turn left. Continue
straight on from here, taking you down Hythe Bridge Street, George Street
(mind the big hole in the road) and Broad Street.
>From the bus station: Walk to the main road. This is George Street. Follow the
above from George Street.

If you are coming from London on the bus then you can get off on the High
Street, as per the instructions for the Thornhill Park and Ride.

>From Corpus: Walk out of the main gate and straight on, Oriel Street, until
you reach the High Street. Turn right and walk along until you reach the
crossing. This is the above mentioned crossing.

>From Pembroke: Walk out of the main gate, turn right and you come to St.
Aldates (the road in this case - you have just passed the church). Turn left
and walk up to the crossroads. Take the crossing and walk along the high
street until you come to the Old Bank Hotel. This is by the above mentioned

Eb: <<<Speaking of which, I've a few Detroit/Michigan/USA (VERY small)
souvenirs that I'm bringing for all of you guys... but I need to know how many
people are coming, so I don't leave anyone out.>>>

We should advertise it to the group in the next couple of days.

Eb: <<<Finally, I've got the coolest outfit for the meet--hopefully, the place
will be formal enough for t-shirts, jeans, and gym shoes, because I'd really
like to wear my red Gryffindor Quidditch jersey and Detroit Red Wings hat for
the meet.  (Sure, I'll quietly be screaming "tourist" in appearance, but to
the trained eye I'll scream "tourist from inner-city Detroit, with a sense of
hip-hop style".  ;-))>>>

This is going to be odd for me. I am going to be going around the centre of
Oxford with tourists. I have spent 4 years getting annoyed at the tourists.


PS: If people need directions that make better sense, or directions from
somewhere else then let me know.

PPS: If people need more information when this is advertised to the group then
feel free to put my e-mail down as a contact.

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