Oxford meeting...

Ebony AKA AngieJ ebonyink at ...
Fri Jun 29 02:33:27 UTC 2001

--- Simon wrote:
>   This is going to be odd for me. I am going to be going around the 
centre of
>   Oxford with tourists. I have spent 4 years getting annoyed at the 

Michelle wrote:
>   I did the same thing back in the early 90's. This will be an 
interesting thing for me to do too. 

You know, someone told me yesterday that the #1 way to stand out in 
England as an obvious tourist is to wear whites and bright colors.  
Which sounded weird to all of us--here, summer is the time to wear 
bright colors and lightweight fabrics.  Is this true?  The friend I'm 
flying out of the U.S. with and I talked about it... we were trying 
to figure out if this meant we should bring greys, blues, and black 
clothing only.

During the first orientation back in February, someone asked the 
professors in charge how people could tell that we were Americans.  
The reply:  "They can tell by your shoes... your shoes are just 

Which I translated as--we're going to be marked as tourists no matter 
what we do.  Our Americanisms are in our speech, our dress, our 
mannerisms, everything.

So I hope you guys won't be *too* annoyed by me and Scott.  We're 
really excited about this... ;-)


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