[HPFGU-London] Oxford meeting...

Michelle Apostolides michelleapostolides at ...
Wed Jun 27 21:56:39 UTC 2001

  For those coming from the Thornhill Park and Ride I believe you can get off
  the bus on the High Street (I need to check this detail). From there you walk
  a short distance in the direction the bus was going. You will come to a
  crossing, outside The Old Bank Hotel. Use the crossing and then walk straight
  on, this takes you on Catte Street. The pub is just up ahead on your right.
  Thanks for that. Do we still all have each other's mobiles in our respective phones memories from last time. Just in case, I hasten to add. ( I'm notorious for getting lost ) 

  While walking up Catte Street you will see the Radcliffe Camera, Bodleian
  Library and Sheldonian Theatre on your left. All Souls and Hertford (including
  the Bridge of Sighs) will be found to your right. At this point
  tour-guide!Simon gives up.

  This is going to be odd for me. I am going to be going around the centre of
  Oxford with tourists. I have spent 4 years getting annoyed at the tourists.
  I did the same thing back in the early 90's. This will be an interesting thing for me to do too. 

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