[HPFGU-London] Re: Oxford meeting...(Helen)
Neil Ward
neilward at ...
Sun Jul 1 14:43:11 UTC 2001
<<I'm Helen. I'm a lurker on HP4GU, and vague poster on HP_fanfiction, and a
semi-regular poster on HP_Paradise. I live near Oxford, and have been told
about your plans to meet, and would very much like to come. However, I
shouldn't technically be an HG4GU member, as I'm only 16 years old. I don't
know how you all feel about me coming to this meeting what with me being
quite a bit younger than most of you - I don't want you to feel like you
have to babysit me!
So basically, how do you all feel about me joining you? I'd love to meet you
all, but I totally understand if you'd rather I didn't.>>
We'd love you to come Helen! Firstly, you won't be the only teenager there,
and, secondly, part of the fun is meeting people of all ages and backgrounds
who love Harry Potter. I don't think the rest of us are really *that*
ancient, though.
Incidentally, the idea of HPfGU is that's it's aimed at adult readers of HP;
but that's not meant to discourage teenagers under 18 who want to join.
Let's face it: some 13 year olds are adults and some 40 year olds are kids
;-) I hope that's not why you're a lurker there.
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