Yesterday and future meetings....

catherine at ... catherine at ...
Mon Jul 9 19:01:45 UTC 2001

Hi everyone,
Just wanted to let those who weren't in chat last night know that I 
had a great time yesterday.  Thanks especially to Neil for being such 
a good passenger (I'm not counting Al, as he was asleep).  It was a 
nice change from my husband who is a very nervous passenger, screams 
abuse at me regularly and doesn't like me to drive above 80mph!  (And 
I noted your comment about women drivers, thanks Dai!)

Anyway, it was tentatively discussed in the Park and Ride carpark 
last night that a London meeting might be a good idea before Ebony 
and Scott go back, and I did suggest an afternoon 
barbacue/meal/drinks whatever round at my place, in Blackheath.  I 
have now checked with husband, who is amenable to the idea, so if 
everyone has the time and is willing, perhaps we could arrange 

So the offer is there.  Any takers?


(BTW: Eb: do you have somewhere in mind to get your hair done?  If 
you don't, I have a very good friend who would know the best places 
to go - her hair always looks great.)

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