[HPFGU-London] Yesterday and future meetings....
Michelle Apostolides
michelleapostolides at ...
Mon Jul 9 21:54:24 UTC 2001
Hi everyone,
Just wanted to let those who weren't in chat last night know that I
had a great time yesterday.
I have to say I really enjoyed it too.
Thanks especially to Neil for being such a good passenger (I'm not counting Al, as he was asleep).
Aww. did we wear you out Al ?
(And I noted your comment about women drivers, thanks Dai!)
We are both very capable, aren't we Catherine ? Had a great trip home. Only 1h 30 door to door !!!
Anyway, it was tentatively discussed in the Park and Ride carpark
last night that a London meeting might be a good idea before Ebony
and Scott go back, and I did suggest an afternoon
barbacue/meal/drinks whatever round at my place, in Blackheath. I
have now checked with husband, who is amenable to the idea, so if
everyone has the time and is willing, perhaps we could arrange
Yup, that's great. If we make a quick descision, it'll give me a chance to set up more wedding shopping trips ( don't ask !! )
So the offer is there. Any takers?
Let me know if you need any help !!
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