Yesterday and future meetings....
Neil Ward
neilward at ...
Mon Jul 9 19:24:06 UTC 2001
Catherine said:
<<Just wanted to let those who weren't in chat last night know that I
had a great time yesterday. Thanks especially to Neil for being such
a good passenger (I'm not counting Al, as he was asleep). It was a
nice change from my husband who is a very nervous passenger, screams
abuse at me regularly and doesn't like me to drive above 80mph!>>
Don't thank me for being a flaccid lump in your passenger seat. I
should be thanking you for ferrying me around so gracefully and
speedily all day, and for listening to my blathering.
It was a lovely day and I enjoyed myself, despite being a bit
frazzled from the night before.
<<I did suggest an afternoon barbacue/meal/drinks whatever round at
my place, in Blackheath. I have now checked with husband, who is
amenable to the idea, so if everyone has the time and is willing,
perhaps we could arrange something.>>
That sounds great. Did you tell Micky that we would all sing the
Hogwarts' School Song and come dressed in cloaks and pointed hats?
On second thoughts, don't mention that - it'll be a nice surprise.
Ebony's right - one of us should report back on the meeting. I
wonder what we all *really* thought of each other? Was Scott being
polite about the pizza?
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