Saturday 28th July
catherine at ...
catherine at ...
Wed Jul 25 07:44:33 UTC 2001
Hi everyone,
Neil - if you could bring vegetarian stuff, that would be great,
because I was wracking my brains to figure out what to do on the
barbecue for you. I don't know if anyone else is - I know for sure
that Ebony isn't, but as for everyone else - not sure.
I was thinking that early afternoon would be about right. I told Al
and Ebony in chat that anytime would be OK - so any time after about
midday would be fine.
Instructions on how to get here:
The address is:
Cator Manor,
South Row,
And my telephone no is 0208 297 9563 just in case anyone gets lost.
If you are coming by train, the best stop is Blackheath. If you are
coming out of the station, turn left and walk along until you come to
a traffic island which has two pelican crossings and a zebra
crossing. Cross both the pelican crossings and continue to turn left
up the road (it is up hill) until the shops end - there is a
newsagents on the corner. Continue up the road past the Clarendon
Hotel. After this is a pub called the Princess of Wales. Turn right
into Pond Road at the pub (there is a pond on the left hand side).
Continue down South Row, past Pond Road and my house is just after
that. It has white railings at the front, a large open porch, and
coats of arms on the wall - very difficult to miss.
Ebony - if you are getting the coach into Victoria, you can get a
train directly to Blackheath from the Victoria train station. If for
some reason they are not running, the easiest thing to do would be to
get the tube to Embankment, which is very close to Charing Cross and
get a train from there. If there are problems getting direct trains
to Blackheath (which sometimes happens at the weekend) you can get a
train to Lewisham. A cab from there costs about £3-4 - most of the
drivers know South Row, but you may have to remind them that it is
just off the Princess of Wales. Alternatively, if you call I'll be
able to drive down and pick you up - it's only 5 minutes away (and I
don't speed in London!)
Driving instructions: I don't know which route Dai will be taking,
but Michelle - the easiest thing to do is to take the Blackwall
tunnel, southbound, and come off at the exit for Lewisham/Central
London/A2. Turn right at the roundabout when exiting, then left at
the first set of traffic lights. You will be in Kidbrooke Park
Road. Take the first right into Westbrook Gardens - cross two mini
roundabouts and you will be in South Row. On your right you will see
a large crescent of houses - the Paragon. My house is immediately
after this.
I hope these are clear enough - if anyone has any problems, needs
clarification about anything - e-mail or call.
See you then!
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